SCRIPT: “Lemon”
James Acker
SCRIPT: “SadBoi”
Jane Therese
SCRIPT: “Sins of My Father”
Kate Marks
SCRIPT: “The Cow of Queens”
Vanar Jaddou
SCRIPT: “Goodbye, Iraq”
Andrew Wankier
SCRIPT: “Three Heavens”
David Harrison Turner
SCRIPT: “Safe Haven”
Fred Martenson
SCRIPT: “Demons in America”
Kris A. Holmes
SCRIPT: “The Seeds of Truth”
Robin Rose Singer
SCRIPT: “The Lions of Mesopotamia”
John Ainslie, "She Came Knocking"
Zaike LaPorte Airey, "Heavy Water"
Adrienne Argenbright, "Erotic Literature for Catholic School Virgins"
Michael Armstrong, "Doubting Thomas"
Amy Reedy Asbjørnsen, "The Boy with the Pink Triangle"
Dan Ast, "The Hitchhiker"
Peter Barnes, "Lost Sun"
Luke Barnett, "The Right Angle with Jules Forrester"
Timothy J. Barton, "The AKtivist"
Natalie Baseman, "Guardian"
Michael Basha, "Ruthless Earthlings "
Stephanie Bencin, "Safe Space"
J.W. Bentley, "The Pirates of Fellowship, Maine"
Woody Bess, "The Second Best Astronaut in the Universe"
Darcy Brislin and Dyana Winkler, "Bell"
Kathryn Bryant, "Run Red"
Dominic Burgess, "Check Surroundings For Safety"
Dominic Burgess, "Ring Goes South"
John Burr, "The Gates"
Camille Campbell, "Queen of Romance"
George Carlos, "Things To Do While I'm Dead"
José R. Casado, "Sodus Point"
Debbie Castanha, "The Bitterroot Chronicles"
Tricia Cerrone, "The Skeleton Watch"
Ed Cha, "Dark Winter"
Akiva Cohen, "Rage Against the Night"
Gregory Cohen, "The Archivist"
Leah Moth and Robert Phillips, "By Your Side"
Kat Corbett, "Goth Phase"
Scott Cox, "Hot Toddy"
Gemma Crofts, "Mayfield"
Gavin Daniel, "The Fearless Tigers"
Sophie Dawson, "The Head Hunter"
Sarah Deakins, "Violet"
Margaret Lazarus Dean, "The Time It Takes to Fall"
Julien Deladriere, "Control Room"
Conor King Devitt, "Graves of Lesser Men"
Ryan Dingus, "The Only Piano in Afghanistan"
Laura Dobre, "Focus"
Jacob Dorn, "Do No Harm"
John P. Dowgin, "Mile 42"
Edward John Drake, "The Young Woman"
Kelly Edwards, "Woman Scorned"
Richard Ehrenreich, "Ice Cream Don't Melt in Englewood"
Pete Eliot, "The Green Beyond the Sky"
Matt Flynn, "Cuesta Verde"
Glenn Forbes, "The Future Prime"
Steven L. Fournier, "War Woman"
Lisa Franek, "Republic of Winneconne"
Alessio Franko, "Disaloud"
Yael Galena, "Twenty Three"
Laura Germano, "Superior Creatures"
Amy Giaquinto, "The Only Way Out"
Alyson Gomeau and Selina Gomeau, "Outrageous"
Tom Goodall, "The Jakarta Incident"
Tom Goodall, "The Spirit Of The Game"
James Grayford, "Broken Halos"
Daniel R. Green, "Darkness"
Megan Green, "Eleanor & Jack"
Blake H. Greenbaum, "The Day the King Cried"
Jason Habel, "Headlights on the Highway"
Kristi Hall, "Mrs. Bond"
McKenzie Hamilton, "The Backslider's Club"
Joey Day Hargrove, "Highway to Heck"
Madison C Haynes, "Evacuating Charity"
Brian Hershkowitz and Robert D'Orazio, "Creatures Down Below"
Jessie Holder Tourtellotte and Dan Gallun, "Look at Me"
Jeffrey Howe, "Flat-rate Frank"
Alexis Howell-Jones, "Controller"
Christina YR Jun, "Gyopo"
Evan Ari Kelman, "Barron's Cove"
Kenneth Kemp, "29 Miles to Epsom"
Marc Ketchem, "Family On Ice"
Betty Lee Kim, "Lucky Star"
Jess Kohs, "Crushed"
William A. Kuechenberg and Kate Doxtater, "Inheritance"
Brian Larkins, "Thirteen The Hard Way"
Ryan LaSalle, "Vivarium"
Barry Leach, "Madame Butterfly's Mad Jaunt"
Chris Lee, "Black Market"
Tricia Lee, "Mother-Daughter"
Vincent Lin, "Chopin"
Shelly Lipkin and Suzanne Fagan, "Morry"
Ronan MacRory, "The Block"
Missy Malek, "Zuleikha"
Brad Martocello, "Burn Town"
Bryan Marvis, "The Darkest Light"
Ash Mayfair, "Skin of Youth"
Jason McBeth, "Torch"
John McGuigan, "The Road to Nowhere"
Marty Michaels, "Mud Shoals"
Tom Morris, "Epic Fail"
Andrew Norman, "Carrots"
Jocelyn Osier, "Jacqueline Way"
Michael Ouzas, "Third Man"
Alex Ovadal, "Lowlands"
David Page, "Head Games"
Madeleine Avery, "Woman in a Barrel "
Timo E. Peltonen, "The Piano Tuner"
Craig Pentak, "The Tipping Point"
Thomas Perry, "Relentless"
Chris Phillips, "Black Cat"
Ryan Prows, "Lifeboat"
Joe Quigley, "Protege"
Tyler Rabinowitz, "You Cannot Erase Me"
Anthony Rainone, "Highway 83"
Adva Reichman, "Project Fog"
Rob Rex, "Atom Bravo"
Trevor Riley , "The Singing Bones"
Vince Robbins, "Now We'll Go to Hell"
Olivia Meredith, "A Slow and Patient Thaw"
Jessica J. Rowlands, "Wild Hearts"
Zane Rubin and Chris Levitus, "Nurture"
Kerry L. M. Russell, "The Coyote"
Nicholas Russell and Amanda McCann, "Dearest"
Stephen Saltarelli, "Rocked"
Yael Schick, "Blessing"
Matthew Schlissel, "Classmates"
Aemilia Scott, "Three Hours"
N. Fituri Scown, "This Is It A.K.A. Nolan & The Ex's"
Dan V. Shea, "The Ballad of Billy Lamb"
Rebecca Benzell, "The Girl and The Ghost"
Etienne Sievers, "Tin Can Buffaloes"
Connor Smith, "Firecrackers"
Christine Sneed, "The Female Gaze"
Luke Spears, "Zero Sum City"
Astor Kailani Stark, "Set Me Free"
Erica Tachoir, "Scattering Jake"
Roniel Tessler, "Blue Moon"
Mark Towers, "The Bothy"
Allan Tsao, "A New Beginning"
Dillon Tucker, "Just Never Leave"
Rebecca Usoro, "Ikwa Ozu ("The Celebration")"
Laura Valin-Peñalba, "Nameless Children"
Timothy Ware, "Tyrone and The Looking Glass"
Avishai Weinberger, "Precipice"
Colin West, "Linoleum"
Jonny Windridge, "Wild Kit"
Sam Wright, "Have You Heard About Harvey?"
Nick Yetto, "My Pleasure"
Nick Adams, "Landmark"
A. Alhendyani, "An Ode to Grief"
Alex Anderson, "Out Of Time"
Kerry Anderson and Heather MacArthur, "Leave it to Chance"
Laura Sterne, "Pompadour"
Kristen Angonese, "Games in the Sky"
Robert Armanyous, "Recoil"
Claire Ayoub, "Empire Waist"
Angela Babb Timmons, "Kat and Birdie"
Isabelle Barbier, "Guts"
Josh Barkey, "Marlene the Divine"
Hannah Barlow and Kane Senes, "Sissy"
John Barrile, "Between The Living And The Dead"
Gregory Landry Beam, "Into the Blue Again"
Daniele Belardelli and Helmut Dosantos, "Adrasteia"
Alexander Benis, "LOVE_IS_A_DLL"
Emily Bennett, "Ache"
Justin Best, "Face On"
Sunaina Bhatnagar, "To the Moon"
Michael Bhim, "Trap Boy"
Gary Bickal, "Better Angels"
Kristen Joy Bjorge, "Notable People"
Sam Blake, "7 Days"
Russell Blanchard and Ben Gouldthorpe, "Monument"
Ariel Bond, "Meet Cute"
Alison Bonn, "Built By Hart"
Carson Brand, "The Boatman"
Ryan Bright, "High Rise"
Ryan Bright, "We Came From the Sea"
Andrew Brotzman, "I Await the Devil's Coming"
Kristoffer Bübeck, "White Sands"
Dominic Burgess, "Products of War"
Dan Cameron, "Islands"
Michael Joseph Capes and Marshall Rimmer, "The Last Zombie Movie"
George Carlos, "Tetra"
Travis Carr, "Unbought and Unbossed"
Alex Carter, "Scarborough Bluffs"
Kevin Caruso, "La Cazada"
Dustin Chandler, "When Kathy Comes Home"
James Chatterton, "(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman"
Nick Citton, "Wet Reckless"
Alice Clark, "The Munitionettes"
Matt Clingempeel, "The Dead-Nosed Reindeer"
Sevyn Cole, "The Art of Small Death"
Lorenzo Colonna, "Miguel"
Nick Corporon, "The Iowa Project: A Mockumentary"
Josh Covitt, "Wake Up Dead Man"
Jeffrey Craine, "The Fisherman"
Brian Crall, "Lost Luggage"
Cat Dale, "The Lines We Draw"
Jon Davis, "Wire Hangers"
SJ Davis, "Longwall"
Robbie Daw and Tyler Steele, "Doublewide Dreams"
Josh Deane, "The Wastes"
Leah Degrazia, "Baby"
Brent Delaney, "Perfect Flower"
Jonathan Dillon and Stephen Colletti, "Black Friday"
Christopher Dominguez Abeel, "A Motivated Man"
Nicole Donadio, "Silo"
Regis Duffy, "Homemaker"
Bruce Dundore, "If It Rains"
Michael Dunker, "Asking For It"
Matt Eames, "The Spark"
Jonathan Easley, "Red Right Hand"
Kathryne Isabelle Easton, "Hemorrhage"
Michael Egan, "The Darkness"
Abe El-Raheb, "August Jig"
John K. Enright, "Masters and Servants"
Stephen Evans, "The Island of Always"
Alex Fazeli, "Leaving Tehran "
Aurora Ferlin, "Vilomah"
Ben Fickes, "The Trial"
Bryan Fierro, "Huitzilin - The Cassandro Story"
John Fisher, "Rumble"
Sheila Flaherty, "East of Mecca"
Howard Fridkin, "Pseudologia Fantastica"
Julia Funk, "Extra"
Vandon Gibbs, "The Billings LP"
Jordyn Giddens, "Salone"
Lynn Esta Goldman, "The Lion's Story"
Brendan Gore, "Queen Of Cuba"
John Graney, "Abysmal Temporalities"
David Gray, "Mama Duck"
Staci Greason, "Treed"
Suzanne Griffin, "The Sleeping House"
Rosemary Griggs, "Fernweh - The Ache for Distant Places"
David B. Guthrie and Emma Carter, "Bloodlands"
Reeyaz Habib, "Wolf Whistle"
Tedros Habib, "Made Wright"
J.R. Halterlein, "Hell Break"
T.J. Hamilton, "Verdun"
Justin Hamilton Salem, "The Letter"
Tiffany J. Hanssen, "The Good Son"
Mike Harris, "Billy Hitler!"
Mike Harris, "The Assassination of an American Teenager"
Jeremy Hawkins, "Bloods"
Robert Hayhurst, "The Madness of Poe"
Khalil Hefaf and Seif Borin, "Cloud Catcher"
Pete Henderson, "In Plain Sight"
Lauren B Hendler, "Love, Death and all that Crap"
Eoghan Heneghan, "Salvage Value"
Ian Isaacs Henry and Lucas Clark, "Double Dutch"
David Herzfeld, "Ella"
Natalie Higdon, "Pick Up Sidney"
Sasha Higgins and Ethan Maniquis, "The Tutor"
Daniel Hogan, "Merchandise No. 5"
Takeo Hori, "Heist/Heist"
Michelle Hsu, "The Figure"
Kamal John Iskander, "The Gospel According to Charlie"
Matthew Jackett, "White Coffins"
Moutaz Jad, "The Base"
Nicole Jones, "Shrimp"
Shanice Kamminga, "Toy Soldiers"
Jamie Kanwar, "Crashing Down"
Daniel Kemp, "Rainbow Girl and the Mud Boy"
Mallon Khan, "Emplant"
Alessandro M. King, "King of Swing"
Edward Klau, "The Service"
Zan Klein, "The Apes of Maine"
Cooper Knight, "Lost Cub"
Wolf Kraft, "Landscapes of Fear"
Liz Lachman and Cynthia Greening, "Dickinson"
Robert M. Languedoc, "Snowfall"
Sara Larner, "Delicate Creatures"
Evan Laughlin, "Kerry Dunbar"
Barry Leach, "The Ambulance Driver"
James Kwon Lee, "Locksmiths"
Marcus Lee, "Intentionally Left Blank"
Meredith Gerson Levine and Andrew Stone, "The Mentor"
Cynthia Lowen, "Light Mass Energy"
Adam Lucas, "The Ghost"
Jacob Ryan, "Lone Rock"
Elan Maier, "The Empty Garage"
Louie Mandrapilias, "Eli's Coming"
Spencer Marentette and Josh Marentette, "Running Lights"
Lance R. Marshall, "The Demon Deep in Oklahoma"
Tony Martin, "Maidens of Babylon"
Jerry D. Mathes II, "The Eagles of Kandahar"
Breanne Mattson, "The Grace-Everett Bigfoot Encounter"
Hannah McGill, "Make It Better"
Kevin McGuinness, "Honorable Men"
Michael Melandro, "Dust To Eat"
Morr Meroz, "Snowlands"
Matt Mitchener, "A Case For Purple"
Michael D Morra, "Daylight"
Adam Nadler, "Sold!"
Patricia Ann Nagy, "Mariology"
Charlie Neubauer, "Ashford Hall"
B.H Nguyen, "Pen Names And Wedding Watches"
S.J. Nicholson, "Ouroboros"
Michael Noonan, "The Week After"
Matt Ocks, "The Yiddish Three Sisters"
Amir Ohebsion and Arash Homampour, "CTRL+ALT+DEL"
Travis Oltmann, "Indigo in the Evening Light"
James Pathrapankal, "Polar"
Nathan Patton, "Apocalypse Pizza"
Marcus Pelegrin, "Cervantes"
A.P. de La Caridad, "Little Wolf"
Thomas Perry, "Sealand"
Matthew Poisson, "The Vicious"
Susan Polk, "Maestra"
Leanne Pooley, "Viral"
Paul Porenta, "Desert Maps"
Tom Radovich, "Claus In-Law"
Kyle Redmond and Daniel D. Jackson, "Demidogs"
Chris Retts, "The Calling"
Hoyt Richards and Lawrence Nelson II, "Invisible Prisons"
Megan Ritchie, "That Woman"
blake robbins, "In the Lake of Fire"
Jerry Robbins and Jeffrey Gage, "Climb"
Nedra P. Roberts, "The Vanishing Point"
Jonathan Robertson, "The Song of the Lake"
Chad Rouch, "Boys Will Be Boys"
Roberta Rovner Pieczenik, "Coyote Warrior"
Lisa Russell, "A Revolutionary Act"
Kate Ryan, "This is a Love Story But the Baby Dies"
Jordan Sandfer, "Coriander: The Lost Elephant"
Gianpaolo Santarelli, "Roscoe"
Kenji Sasaki, "Untitled Brent Bachman Action Comedy"
Lisa Schmutter, "Cactus"
Sue Scott, "Stay Breathing"
Elizabeth Searle, "A Four-Sided Bed"
Heather Seltzer, "Polgaria"
Tyrrell Shaffner and Meryl Branch-McTiernan, "The Dropout"
Nir Shelter, "Call Out"
Magdalen Silberman, "Roadkill"
Ean Smith, "Jesus Copperfield"
Michael Soll, "Joshua"
Dan Southard, "Depth Of Field"
Michael Spohr, "Beyond The Seas"
Michael Spohr, "Influence"
Jefferson Stein, "I'itoi (Man in the Maze)"
James Stewart, "Foxed"
John Stiles, "Me and Lio"
Grant Swanson, "Iron Lake"
C Tailyour, "Mother Wild"
Tamra Teig and Michael Lipoma, "The Fall"
Tamra Teig, "Chokepoint"
Adrienne Thorne, "studs"
Roy Tjioe, "Go For Broke!"
Marisa Torelli-Pedevska, "Take Me Home"
Scott Turner and Jim Torres, "The Sympathetic Martian"
Guilherme Viegas, "The Screenplay"
Joshua Wagner, "Sanctuary"
Emily Wahlund, "Elizabeth Kline Has No Friends"
Jeff Walkley, "Semiotics"
Laurie Whitaker, "Warrior Girl"
Krystal White, "The Last American Slave"
Russell Christian Wojtusiak, "The Pilot in the Dark"
Russell Christian Wojtusiak, "Three Wise Men"
Nina Woodford-Wells, "The Forbidden Fairytale"
Gareth Wronski, "Anyone Else Alive"
Andrea Zapiain and Santiago Zapiain, "The Last Ones"
Clifford Zimowski, "Hopi & Chaynge"

SCRIPT: “Lemon”

James Acker
SCRIPT: “SadBoi”

Jane Therese
SCRIPT: “Sins of My Father”

Kate Marks
SCRIPT: “The Cow of Queens”

Vanar Jaddou
SCRIPT: “Goodbye, Iraq”

Andrew Wankier
SCRIPT: “Three Heavens”

David Harrison Turner
SCRIPT: “Safe Haven”

Fred Martenson
SCRIPT: “Demons in America”

Kris A. Holmes
SCRIPT: “The Seeds of Truth”

Robin Rose Singer
SCRIPT: “The Lions of Mesopotamia”
John Ainslie, "She Came Knocking"
Zaike LaPorte Airey, "Heavy Water"
Adrienne Argenbright, "Erotic Literature for Catholic School Virgins"
Michael Armstrong, "Doubting Thomas"
Amy Reedy Asbjørnsen, "The Boy with the Pink Triangle"
Dan Ast, "The Hitchhiker"
Peter Barnes, "Lost Sun"
Luke Barnett, "The Right Angle with Jules Forrester"
Timothy J. Barton, "The AKtivist"
Natalie Baseman, "Guardian"
Michael Basha, "Ruthless Earthlings "
Stephanie Bencin, "Safe Space"
J.W. Bentley, "The Pirates of Fellowship, Maine"
Woody Bess, "The Second Best Astronaut in the Universe"
Darcy Brislin and Dyana Winkler, "Bell"
Kathryn Bryant, "Run Red"
Dominic Burgess, "Check Surroundings For Safety"
Dominic Burgess, "Ring Goes South"
John Burr, "The Gates"
Camille Campbell, "Queen of Romance"
George Carlos, "Things To Do While I'm Dead"
José R. Casado, "Sodus Point"
Debbie Castanha, "The Bitterroot Chronicles"
Tricia Cerrone, "The Skeleton Watch"
Ed Cha, "Dark Winter"
Akiva Cohen, "Rage Against the Night"
Gregory Cohen, "The Archivist"
Leah Moth and Robert Phillips, "By Your Side"
Kat Corbett, "Goth Phase"
Scott Cox, "Hot Toddy"
Gemma Crofts, "Mayfield"
Gavin Daniel, "The Fearless Tigers"
Sophie Dawson, "The Head Hunter"
Sarah Deakins, "Violet"
Margaret Lazarus Dean, "The Time It Takes to Fall"
Julien Deladriere, "Control Room"
Conor King Devitt, "Graves of Lesser Men"
Ryan Dingus, "The Only Piano in Afghanistan"
Laura Dobre, "Focus"
Jacob Dorn, "Do No Harm"
John P. Dowgin, "Mile 42"
Edward John Drake, "The Young Woman"
Kelly Edwards, "Woman Scorned"
Richard Ehrenreich, "Ice Cream Don't Melt in Englewood"
Pete Eliot, "The Green Beyond the Sky"
Matt Flynn, "Cuesta Verde"
Glenn Forbes, "The Future Prime"
Steven L. Fournier, "War Woman"
Lisa Franek, "Republic of Winneconne"
Alessio Franko, "Disaloud"
Yael Galena, "Twenty Three"
Laura Germano, "Superior Creatures"
Amy Giaquinto, "The Only Way Out"
Alyson Gomeau and Selina Gomeau, "Outrageous"
Tom Goodall, "The Jakarta Incident"
Tom Goodall, "The Spirit Of The Game"
James Grayford, "Broken Halos"
Daniel R. Green, "Darkness"
Megan Green, "Eleanor & Jack"
Blake H. Greenbaum, "The Day the King Cried"
Jason Habel, "Headlights on the Highway"
Kristi Hall, "Mrs. Bond"
McKenzie Hamilton, "The Backslider's Club"
Joey Day Hargrove, "Highway to Heck"
Madison C Haynes, "Evacuating Charity"
Brian Hershkowitz and Robert D'Orazio, "Creatures Down Below"
Jessie Holder Tourtellotte and Dan Gallun, "Look at Me"
Jeffrey Howe, "Flat-rate Frank"
Alexis Howell-Jones, "Controller"
Christina YR Jun, "Gyopo"
Evan Ari Kelman, "Barron's Cove"
Kenneth Kemp, "29 Miles to Epsom"
Marc Ketchem, "Family On Ice"
Betty Lee Kim, "Lucky Star"
Jess Kohs, "Crushed"
William A. Kuechenberg and Kate Doxtater, "Inheritance"
Brian Larkins, "Thirteen The Hard Way"
Ryan LaSalle, "Vivarium"
Barry Leach, "Madame Butterfly's Mad Jaunt"
Chris Lee, "Black Market"
Tricia Lee, "Mother-Daughter"
Vincent Lin, "Chopin"
Shelly Lipkin and Suzanne Fagan, "Morry"
Ronan MacRory, "The Block"
Missy Malek, "Zuleikha"
Brad Martocello, "Burn Town"
Bryan Marvis, "The Darkest Light"
Ash Mayfair, "Skin of Youth"
Jason McBeth, "Torch"
John McGuigan, "The Road to Nowhere"
Marty Michaels, "Mud Shoals"
Tom Morris, "Epic Fail"
Andrew Norman, "Carrots"
Jocelyn Osier, "Jacqueline Way"
Michael Ouzas, "Third Man"
Alex Ovadal, "Lowlands"
David Page, "Head Games"
Madeleine Avery, "Woman in a Barrel "
Timo E. Peltonen, "The Piano Tuner"
Craig Pentak, "The Tipping Point"
Thomas Perry, "Relentless"
Chris Phillips, "Black Cat"
Ryan Prows, "Lifeboat"
Joe Quigley, "Protege"
Tyler Rabinowitz, "You Cannot Erase Me"
Anthony Rainone, "Highway 83"
Adva Reichman, "Project Fog"
Rob Rex, "Atom Bravo"
Trevor Riley , "The Singing Bones"
Vince Robbins, "Now We'll Go to Hell"
Olivia Meredith, "A Slow and Patient Thaw"
Jessica J. Rowlands, "Wild Hearts"
Zane Rubin and Chris Levitus, "Nurture"
Kerry L. M. Russell, "The Coyote"
Nicholas Russell and Amanda McCann, "Dearest"
Stephen Saltarelli, "Rocked"
Yael Schick, "Blessing"
Matthew Schlissel, "Classmates"
Aemilia Scott, "Three Hours"
N. Fituri Scown, "This Is It A.K.A. Nolan & The Ex's"
Dan V. Shea, "The Ballad of Billy Lamb"
Rebecca Benzell, "The Girl and The Ghost"
Etienne Sievers, "Tin Can Buffaloes"
Connor Smith, "Firecrackers"
Christine Sneed, "The Female Gaze"
Luke Spears, "Zero Sum City"
Astor Kailani Stark, "Set Me Free"
Erica Tachoir, "Scattering Jake"
Roniel Tessler, "Blue Moon"
Mark Towers, "The Bothy"
Allan Tsao, "A New Beginning"
Dillon Tucker, "Just Never Leave"
Rebecca Usoro, "Ikwa Ozu ("The Celebration")"
Laura Valin-Peñalba, "Nameless Children"
Timothy Ware, "Tyrone and The Looking Glass"
Avishai Weinberger, "Precipice"
Colin West, "Linoleum"
Jonny Windridge, "Wild Kit"
Sam Wright, "Have You Heard About Harvey?"
Nick Yetto, "My Pleasure"
Nick Adams, "Landmark"
A. Alhendyani, "An Ode to Grief"
Alex Anderson, "Out Of Time"
Kerry Anderson and Heather MacArthur, "Leave it to Chance"
Laura Sterne, "Pompadour"
Kristen Angonese, "Games in the Sky"
Robert Armanyous, "Recoil"
Claire Ayoub, "Empire Waist"
Angela Babb Timmons, "Kat and Birdie"
Isabelle Barbier, "Guts"
Josh Barkey, "Marlene the Divine"
Hannah Barlow and Kane Senes, "Sissy"
John Barrile, "Between The Living And The Dead"
Gregory Landry Beam, "Into the Blue Again"
Daniele Belardelli and Helmut Dosantos, "Adrasteia"
Alexander Benis, "LOVE_IS_A_DLL"
Emily Bennett, "Ache"
Justin Best, "Face On"
Sunaina Bhatnagar, "To the Moon"
Michael Bhim, "Trap Boy"
Gary Bickal, "Better Angels"
Kristen Joy Bjorge, "Notable People"
Sam Blake, "7 Days"
Russell Blanchard and Ben Gouldthorpe, "Monument"
Ariel Bond, "Meet Cute"
Alison Bonn, "Built By Hart"
Carson Brand, "The Boatman"
Ryan Bright, "High Rise"
Ryan Bright, "We Came From the Sea"
Andrew Brotzman, "I Await the Devil's Coming"
Kristoffer Bübeck, "White Sands"
Dominic Burgess, "Products of War"
Dan Cameron, "Islands"
Michael Joseph Capes and Marshall Rimmer, "The Last Zombie Movie"
George Carlos, "Tetra"
Travis Carr, "Unbought and Unbossed"
Alex Carter, "Scarborough Bluffs"
Kevin Caruso, "La Cazada"
Dustin Chandler, "When Kathy Comes Home"
James Chatterton, "(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman"
Nick Citton, "Wet Reckless"
Alice Clark, "The Munitionettes"
Matt Clingempeel, "The Dead-Nosed Reindeer"
Sevyn Cole, "The Art of Small Death"
Lorenzo Colonna, "Miguel"
Nick Corporon, "The Iowa Project: A Mockumentary"
Josh Covitt, "Wake Up Dead Man"
Jeffrey Craine, "The Fisherman"
Brian Crall, "Lost Luggage"
Cat Dale, "The Lines We Draw"
Jon Davis, "Wire Hangers"
SJ Davis, "Longwall"
Robbie Daw and Tyler Steele, "Doublewide Dreams"
Josh Deane, "The Wastes"
Leah Degrazia, "Baby"
Brent Delaney, "Perfect Flower"
Jonathan Dillon and Stephen Colletti, "Black Friday"
Christopher Dominguez Abeel, "A Motivated Man"
Nicole Donadio, "Silo"
Regis Duffy, "Homemaker"
Bruce Dundore, "If It Rains"
Michael Dunker, "Asking For It"
Matt Eames, "The Spark"
Jonathan Easley, "Red Right Hand"
Kathryne Isabelle Easton, "Hemorrhage"
Michael Egan, "The Darkness"
Abe El-Raheb, "August Jig"
John K. Enright, "Masters and Servants"
Stephen Evans, "The Island of Always"
Alex Fazeli, "Leaving Tehran "
Aurora Ferlin, "Vilomah"
Ben Fickes, "The Trial"
Bryan Fierro, "Huitzilin - The Cassandro Story"
John Fisher, "Rumble"
Sheila Flaherty, "East of Mecca"
Howard Fridkin, "Pseudologia Fantastica"
Julia Funk, "Extra"
Vandon Gibbs, "The Billings LP"
Jordyn Giddens, "Salone"
Lynn Esta Goldman, "The Lion's Story"
Brendan Gore, "Queen Of Cuba"
John Graney, "Abysmal Temporalities"
David Gray, "Mama Duck"
Staci Greason, "Treed"
Suzanne Griffin, "The Sleeping House"
Rosemary Griggs, "Fernweh - The Ache for Distant Places"
David B. Guthrie and Emma Carter, "Bloodlands"
Reeyaz Habib, "Wolf Whistle"
Tedros Habib, "Made Wright"
J.R. Halterlein, "Hell Break"
T.J. Hamilton, "Verdun"
Justin Hamilton Salem, "The Letter"
Tiffany J. Hanssen, "The Good Son"
Mike Harris, "Billy Hitler!"
Mike Harris, "The Assassination of an American Teenager"
Jeremy Hawkins, "Bloods"
Robert Hayhurst, "The Madness of Poe"
Khalil Hefaf and Seif Borin, "Cloud Catcher"
Pete Henderson, "In Plain Sight"
Lauren B Hendler, "Love, Death and all that Crap"
Eoghan Heneghan, "Salvage Value"
Ian Isaacs Henry and Lucas Clark, "Double Dutch"
David Herzfeld, "Ella"
Natalie Higdon, "Pick Up Sidney"
Sasha Higgins and Ethan Maniquis, "The Tutor"
Daniel Hogan, "Merchandise No. 5"
Takeo Hori, "Heist/Heist"
Michelle Hsu, "The Figure"
Kamal John Iskander, "The Gospel According to Charlie"
Matthew Jackett, "White Coffins"
Moutaz Jad, "The Base"
Nicole Jones, "Shrimp"
Shanice Kamminga, "Toy Soldiers"
Jamie Kanwar, "Crashing Down"
Daniel Kemp, "Rainbow Girl and the Mud Boy"
Mallon Khan, "Emplant"
Alessandro M. King, "King of Swing"
Edward Klau, "The Service"
Zan Klein, "The Apes of Maine"
Cooper Knight, "Lost Cub"
Wolf Kraft, "Landscapes of Fear"
Liz Lachman and Cynthia Greening, "Dickinson"
Robert M. Languedoc, "Snowfall"
Sara Larner, "Delicate Creatures"
Evan Laughlin, "Kerry Dunbar"
Barry Leach, "The Ambulance Driver"
James Kwon Lee, "Locksmiths"
Marcus Lee, "Intentionally Left Blank"
Meredith Gerson Levine and Andrew Stone, "The Mentor"
Cynthia Lowen, "Light Mass Energy"
Adam Lucas, "The Ghost"
Jacob Ryan, "Lone Rock"
Elan Maier, "The Empty Garage"
Louie Mandrapilias, "Eli's Coming"
Spencer Marentette and Josh Marentette, "Running Lights"
Lance R. Marshall, "The Demon Deep in Oklahoma"
Tony Martin, "Maidens of Babylon"
Jerry D. Mathes II, "The Eagles of Kandahar"
Breanne Mattson, "The Grace-Everett Bigfoot Encounter"
Hannah McGill, "Make It Better"
Kevin McGuinness, "Honorable Men"
Michael Melandro, "Dust To Eat"
Morr Meroz, "Snowlands"
Matt Mitchener, "A Case For Purple"
Michael D Morra, "Daylight"
Adam Nadler, "Sold!"
Patricia Ann Nagy, "Mariology"
Charlie Neubauer, "Ashford Hall"
B.H Nguyen, "Pen Names And Wedding Watches"
S.J. Nicholson, "Ouroboros"
Michael Noonan, "The Week After"
Matt Ocks, "The Yiddish Three Sisters"
Amir Ohebsion and Arash Homampour, "CTRL+ALT+DEL"
Travis Oltmann, "Indigo in the Evening Light"
James Pathrapankal, "Polar"
Nathan Patton, "Apocalypse Pizza"
Marcus Pelegrin, "Cervantes"
A.P. de La Caridad, "Little Wolf"
Thomas Perry, "Sealand"
Matthew Poisson, "The Vicious"
Susan Polk, "Maestra"
Leanne Pooley, "Viral"
Paul Porenta, "Desert Maps"
Tom Radovich, "Claus In-Law"
Kyle Redmond and Daniel D. Jackson, "Demidogs"
Chris Retts, "The Calling"
Hoyt Richards and Lawrence Nelson II, "Invisible Prisons"
Megan Ritchie, "That Woman"
blake robbins, "In the Lake of Fire"
Jerry Robbins and Jeffrey Gage, "Climb"
Nedra P. Roberts, "The Vanishing Point"
Jonathan Robertson, "The Song of the Lake"
Chad Rouch, "Boys Will Be Boys"
Roberta Rovner Pieczenik, "Coyote Warrior"
Lisa Russell, "A Revolutionary Act"
Kate Ryan, "This is a Love Story But the Baby Dies"
Jordan Sandfer, "Coriander: The Lost Elephant"
Gianpaolo Santarelli, "Roscoe"
Kenji Sasaki, "Untitled Brent Bachman Action Comedy"
Lisa Schmutter, "Cactus"
Sue Scott, "Stay Breathing"
Elizabeth Searle, "A Four-Sided Bed"
Heather Seltzer, "Polgaria"
Tyrrell Shaffner and Meryl Branch-McTiernan, "The Dropout"
Nir Shelter, "Call Out"
Magdalen Silberman, "Roadkill"
Ean Smith, "Jesus Copperfield"
Michael Soll, "Joshua"
Dan Southard, "Depth Of Field"
Michael Spohr, "Beyond The Seas"
Michael Spohr, "Influence"
Jefferson Stein, "I'itoi (Man in the Maze)"
James Stewart, "Foxed"
John Stiles, "Me and Lio"
Grant Swanson, "Iron Lake"
C Tailyour, "Mother Wild"
Tamra Teig and Michael Lipoma, "The Fall"
Tamra Teig, "Chokepoint"
Adrienne Thorne, "studs"
Roy Tjioe, "Go For Broke!"
Marisa Torelli-Pedevska, "Take Me Home"
Scott Turner and Jim Torres, "The Sympathetic Martian"
Guilherme Viegas, "The Screenplay"
Joshua Wagner, "Sanctuary"
Emily Wahlund, "Elizabeth Kline Has No Friends"
Jeff Walkley, "Semiotics"
Laurie Whitaker, "Warrior Girl"
Krystal White, "The Last American Slave"
Russell Christian Wojtusiak, "The Pilot in the Dark"
Russell Christian Wojtusiak, "Three Wise Men"
Nina Woodford-Wells, "The Forbidden Fairytale"
Gareth Wronski, "Anyone Else Alive"
Andrea Zapiain and Santiago Zapiain, "The Last Ones"
Clifford Zimowski, "Hopi & Chaynge"