Allison Buckmelter and Nicolas Buckmelter
SCRIPT: "American Refugee"
Grace Sherman
SCRIPT: "Numbers and Words"
Joey Clarke, Jr.
SCRIPT: "Miles"
Wenonah Wilms
SCRIPT: "Horsehead Girls"
Avi Glick
SCRIPT: "A Yacht in the Apache Junction"
Daniel Miska
SCRIPT: "The Soldier that Wagged Her Tail"
Ernestina Juarez
SCRIPT: "Labryinth of Destiny"
Gabriel Mizrahi
SCRIPT: "Beside Ourselves"
Jordan Trippeer
Neal McLaughlin
SCRIPT: "The Sunshine Ward"
Bianca Ahonor, "X's and O's"
Amber Alexander, "Juniper's Point"
Ken Alston, "Gladiatrix"
Jo Anderson, "The Kissing Gate"
Annabelle Attanasio, "Mickey and the Bear"
Stephen Ayres, "Spitfire Girls"
Collin Blair, "King James"
Michael Boyle, "Do You Wanna Talk About It?"
Matthew Breault, "Ganzfeld"
Micah Brenner, "Cargo"
Ryan Bright, "We Came From the Sea"
Joel Buxton, "Limo"
Dontonio Cabreana, "Coming in Second"
Nicholas Camacho , "The Endless Fortune of the Barefoot Ship Breaker"
Christina Capra, "Rest in Peace"
Hunter Christensen, "Pastorius"
Grace Cleere, "Lost Giant"
Jeff Cocco, "Uncle Jack"
Olivia Cohen , "This Was Fun "
Michael Cummings, "The Suicide Box"
Nicolas Curcio, "The Adventures of Rat Girl "
Robert Dantas, "Aleppo"
Christopher Datta, "The Bridge of Gold"
Marcos Davalos, "Dreamer"
Kim Dempster, "The Color of Mourning"
Kim Dempster, "No Gods No Masters"
Sean Devine and Ryan Patterson, "The Carrier"
Joel Dorland, "Archer"
Robert Wolfe Dunn, "Currumpaw"
Robert Wolfe Dunn, "A Haunted Man"
Matt Eames, "The Forge"
Elizabeth Candida Eccher, "We Happy Losers"
Tom Edwards, "Mawson"
Nathan Ellis, "Man on the Mountain"
David M Erickson, "Everything in the World"
Ned Farr, "Coastline"
Joe Ferran, "To the North"
Michael Ferrari, "Born to Fly"
Jeffrey Field and Michelle Davidson, "No Man's Land"
Jeffrey Field, "Waiting Games"
Dave Florez, "Embers"
Josh Flower, "Morning of Stone"
Bridget Foley, "Principles of Flight"
Melissa Fonzino, "And They Lived..."
Aaron Galvin, "The Grave of Lainey Grace"
Kathryn S. Gardiner, "The Art of Yielding"
Dominique Genest and Nick Kreiss, "The Innocent and the Vicious"
Judy Goldberg and Chris Jones, "Rocketboy"
Andrew Gray, "Nightside"
Alex Guaglianone, "Perishables"
Andrew Hall, "The Song of Roland"
Diane Hanks, "Paragraph 175"
Peter Hanrahan, "Slumrunner"
Scott Hardie, "Arcadian"
Lukas Hassel, "Galápagos"
Jeremy Hawkins, "Fergus"
Brennig Hayden, "Red in Tooth and Claw"
Joshua Heaton, "Paul Is Dead"
Titus Heckel, "Chained"
Christopher Hlas, "Those Who Don't Learn From History Are Doomed to Las Vegas"
Sarah Hohman, "After Ever"
Paul Holbrook, "Snog"
Gemma Hurley and Markus Meedt, "The Rules That Keep Us Safe"
Rachel James, "Big Bad Wolves"
Ray Keller, "Japanese for Baseball"
Brendan O. Kelly, "Smile"
Paul A. Kimball and Parker Jamison, "The Baltimore Plot"
Gary King, "Encounters"
Zac Kish, "The First Annual Ricky Litgoe Memorial Fun Run"
Kendell Courtney Klein, "Vampira"
Kendell Courtney Klein, "Chas Addams"
Brad Klipfel, "The Loneliest Whale"
Stefan Kubicki, "Standing Rock"
David M. Kushner and Joshua Bullock, "A Love Story"
Armelle Lajus, "Freedom Soldier"
Robert M. Languedoc, "Steam"
Bill Lawrence, "Pinewood Derby"
Barry Leach, "Piece de Resistance"
Devon Lehr, "The Carrington Affair"
Alyssa Lerner, "Orange Day"
Rebecca Shuhan Lou and Sofia Drummond-Moore, "Her Weight on Me"
Sean Malcolm, "Mother"
Jess Maldaner, "Shahid"
Spencer Marentette and Josh Marentette, "The Raven King"
Brad Martocello, "American Monsters"
Jonathan Marx, "No Rest for the Wicked"
Mark Mazur, "Retrograde"
Steven McCall and Maziar Lahooti, "Die Well"
Aaron McCann and Dominic Pearce, "Big Red"
John McCarney, "Children of the Dust"
Michael McGee, "When the Moon Is in the Seventh House"
Patrick McGowan, "McHenry"
Colin J McLaughlin, "Destroyer"
C. S. McMullen, "Mistaken"
Taj Jenkins Musco, "Experience"
Cody Newton , "American Patriot "
Michael Norland, "Through the Shifting Stars"
Melissa Osborne, "Easy Out"
Lisa Otto, "Run to Me"
America Michele Palacios, "Colloredo"
Madeleine Parker , "Woman in a Barrel "
Craig Paulsen, "Miss Liberty"
Timo E. Peltonen, "The Piano Tuner"
Alex George Pickering and Matthew Breault, "Crate"
Rolf Potts, "Skin in the Game"
Gabriela Quiroz and Noah Campbell Smith, "Santuario"
Jordan Rawlins, "Love Inc."
Erin Reinelt, "Lara and the Dead Boy"
Chris Retts, "Still in the Fire"
Megan Rico, "Edie Arnold is a Loser"
Thy Riedel, "Everything Is Mostly Nothing"
Zach Roe, "The Monsters Are Here"
Andy Rogers, "Jackalopes"
Lawrence Rothfield, "Fragments"
Marisé Samitier and Juanita Cepero, "African Harvest"
Kenji Sasaki, "Go Van Gogh"
Elizabeth Savage Sullivan, "Catching Out"
Todd Scheiperpeter, "The Kingdom of the Dead"
Nick Scown, "Return of The King"
Nick Sinnott and Jessica Ellis, "High Iron"
Greg Sisco, "The Patience of Vultures"
Adam Skelter, "Danger Close"
Michael Patrick Spillers, "Whittier Boulevard"
Toy Styles, "Concrete Beach "
James Sunshine, "Adolf Silverstein"
Joel Thomas, "Pod"
Jody Thompson, "Endangered"
James Tonin, "Burning Wish"
Kevan Tucker, "King of the Earth"
Craig Ugoretz, "The Mercy Ward"
Bernie Van De Yacht, "A Man Walks into a Hardware Store"
Limary Vargas, "The Hero"
Ryan Vaughn, "Studio City"
Colin Waite, "King"
Steve A. Warren, "Becoming Quanah Parker"
Sage Wells, "Lullaby"
John Wikstrom, "The Hatchling"
Nathan Wilcoxen, "Valley of Death"
Evan Winter, "Stealing Fire"
Andrew Wood and Camilla Belle, "A China Shop"
Curt Zacharias Jr. , "35MM"
Nichole Abshire, "Imposter Impersonator"
Fawaz Al-Matrouk, "Reza & Mr. Rob"
Elisabeth Annacone, "Get Me Mine"
Cristin O'Keefe Aptowicz, "Mütter"
Kevin Arbouet, "The Black Mafia"
Beth Ashby, "Broken Sinclair"
Nathan Atkinson, "Flies"
Nancy Bannon, "Blood"
Andrew Baron, "Alessandro's Vintage"
Tim Bartell, "A Family Affair"
Abigail Briley Bean, "Blondes Die Young"
Hattie Beaney, "Sunnyside Beach"
Art Bell, "Cellini's Alexander"
Matt Benson, "Gus"
Joe Bousquin, "Gunpoint"
Tiffany Brinkman, "Moms Mabley"
Susan Brunig, "The Surveillance of Ordinary Things"
Matthew Bryan, "Eilean Mor"
Sean Cabiling, "Welcome to Manzanar"
Benjamin Carlson, "Also Known As"
Kevin Caruso, "The Shook Ones"
Giovanna Cassese, "Undocumented"
Sarah H Cho, "This Is What It Feels Like"
David Ciccarelli, "Civic Virtue"
Joey Clarke, Jr. , "Little Boy Blue"
Johnny Cohen, "Life & Death"
Marya Cohn, "Sunny Day Flooding"
Alix Conde, "Tarascon"
Filipe F. Coutinho and Ben Mehlman, "Whittier"
Matt Cutts, "Violet"
Cari Daly, "Interwoven"
Evelyn Anna Danciger, "Composed"
Lorraine Darrow, "Traction"
SJ Davis, "Glaslyn"
John Day, "None of the Above"
Ferran Mendoza Soler and Javier Loarte, "Open Sky"
Nadia Desyatnikova, "Selva"
Griffin Devine and Alyssa Devine, "The Only Child"
Revati Dhomse and Hector Lowe, "The Death of Colm Canter"
Jonathan Dillon, "Artificial"
Daniel Hart Donoghue, "Bridie's Bind"
Seth Michael Donsky, "Grit N' Glitter"
Dan Edward, "Whisper Crash"
Timothy Edwards, "A Brief History of Tim"
George Efta II, "Enjoy the Show"
Michael Egan, "Zero Dark Christmas"
Cassie Feldman, "Ex-capade"
Wes Fisher, "The Reprisal"
Michael Fitzgerald, "To Have Loved"
Christopher Forsyth, "How to Keep From Drowning"
Sally Fowler, "The Field"
Broderick Fox, "One Degree"
Nicholas Fox Robbins and Vince Robbins, "Fox & the War"
George Gardner III, "Chasing the G.O.A.T."
Billington Garrett, "Paris 1940"
Verna Gastesi, "Captain Mephisto"
Anton H. Gill, "What Happened at Hallandale"
Lisa Gold, "Foreglow"
Will Goodfellow, "All the Fish in the Sea"
Stephen Graf, "Three Hundred Years in Paradise"
Carol Grant, "Hollow Angel"
Sid Grey, "The G.O.A.T."
James Gulian, "True Conviction"
Jameson Hall, "Chenango"
Dan Hall, "Submerged"
Kristin Andrea Hanratty, "Tyler's Revolution"
Walker Hare, "Frozen Ice"
Matt Harry, "Firelight"
Bryant Hasheider, "The Cat"
Ann Hawker, "An Austrian Holiday"
Max Hersh, "Light"
Tim Hewitt, "Thy Kingdom Come"
Michael Hubbard, "The No-Goods"
Fiona Hunnisett, "Safeguard"
Garrett Iannarelli, "Battle Company"
Mike Jackson, "Time Helmet"
Jasmine Jafari, "The Persian Art of Denial"
Leonard Johnson, "Crescent"
Quendrith Johnson, "DFW's Posthumous Masterclass"
M. Scott Johnston, "Hex Sign"
Nicole Jones, "Shrimp"
Frederick Jones, "Sunbeam"
Patrick Jones, "Cherry Bomb"
Patrick Jones, "Harry and Mary Escape New York"
Brian Jun, "Old Timer"
Harris Kauffman, "Martin Hartley"
Alan King, "The Milk Bar"
Zac Kish, "Fuck You, John"
Russell Koos, "Tatanka"
Benjamin A. Kramer, "Propaganda"
(m) Carolyn Kras, "Magnetic"
Mukunthan Krishna, "Thug"
Tatiana Krokar, "Fat and Furious"
Stefan Kubicki, "Autonomy"
Liz Lachman and Cynthia Greening, "Dickinson"
Christine Lalla, "Catching Rocks"
Jennine Lanouette, "Marian"
Justin S. Lee, "Reduct"
Pearse Lehane, "Potter's Ground"
Richard Lister, "Against All Odds"
Rebecca Louisell, "Tomas and Ines"
Ben Luben, "Tyrant"
John Luiso, "Fandemonium"
Danielle Eliska Lyle, "Measure of Vengeance"
Jess Maldaner, "Under the Bridge in Nuevo Laredo"
Stu Marks, "She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain"
Bryan Marvis, "Hiroshima-Nagasaki"
Rick Mashburn, "Big Future Ahead"
Blake McCallister, "Almost Cooperstown"
Kate McNamara, "Out of the Woods"
Ashish Mehta, "Lovely, Dark and Deep"
Stacey Miller, "Claudia"
Dave Miller, "R.Y.a.N. "
Glenn Millican, "Nightswimming"
Ken Miyamoto, "The Purple Heart Battalion "
Gary Morra III, "... 'Scape the Lightning Bolt!"
Danielle Motley, "Mo' Black"
Gabriel Moura, "Rainbow Nights"
Brady Nelson, "Malifor: Prince of Faces"
Michael Noonan, "Childproof"
Michael Noonan, "Ned Gets to Kill"
Ruben Orozco, "Matryoshka"
Jocelyn Osier, "Marilyn 13"
Jacqueline Owens, "Three Gardens"
Marleine Pacilio, "Born Elizabeth Jane"
Glennyce Lynn, "Secret City"
John Ira Palmer, "Outside of Deary"
Daniel Parino, "Green v. City of New Orleans"
R.J. Patteson, "Transience"
Erick Pausz, "No Direction Home"
Marcus Pelegrin, "A Plague Amongst Us"
Zac Petrillo, "The Ones We Got"
Alex George Pickering, "Tides of Autumn"
Ben Pickles, "The Winter, the Wolf, and the Clockwork Man"
Daniel Plyam, "American"
Kenneth S Price and James Tucci, "Once More, with Feeling"
Abhishek Raghavan and Chad Hermann, "Homegrown"
Jeremy Rall, "Rhapsody"
Mat Raymond, "J.D., Harper, Truman."
Rob Rex, "Dead Man's Gulch"
Joyce Rheuban, "The Mob Meets the Jersey Devil"
Evan Richman, "The Unlucky Ones"
Christopher Robertson, "Jeffrey the Barbarian"
James Rogers, "Prostasia"
Adrienne Rush, "This Land Is Your Land"
Matt Russell, "The Slash"
Topher Ryals, "Pacific Daylight"
Zack Rybak, "Wasteland"
Amanda Samaroo, "Love is Free Will"
Jared Schincariol, "Dig Two Graves"
James C. Schlicker, "The Sweethearts Gang"
Casey Schrimpl, "Court of Combat"
Casey Schroen, "Penthouse B"
Jamie Severson, "Guilt"
Evan Shadlun, "Heartland"
Miranda Siegel, "Solid Liquid Gas"
Sean Simmans, "Death Ray"
Henderson Smith, "The Ugly Princess - The Last of the Winnowwood"
Gretchen Somerfeld, "Truly Seen"
Max Sparber, "I Only Sleep with Celebrities"
Brad Starr, "Point Nemo"
Jacob Stock , "Goat Boy "
John Paul Su, "Captain C!"
Sammy Sultan, "Raymond's Room"
Vincent Sweeney, "Whitetail"
AMS, "Touch"
Pavel Tabutov, "Please, Hold..."
Trent Tackbary, "Cold Feat"
K. Sabin Doran, "Finding Alice"
Kelsey Taylor, "The Long Way Home"
Haris Theodoratos, "Motherland"
Patrick Tierney, "The Abscess"
Danny Torres, "Kayla"
Brian Barry Turner, "Once Upon a Time in Iraq"
Jeff Tuttle, "Game Theory"
Blaine Tyler, "The Manifesto of Colton Rogers"
Phillip Van and Chris Goodwin, "To the Extreme"
Bernie Van De Yacht, "Dottie"
Isabella Vergun, "1836 Miles to Monterey "
Maja Vidrac, "The Waters of Remembrance"
Jesus Villarreal, "Ebb & Flow"
Frank Vitale, "The Boy Who Sailed the Hudson"
Lou Voiler, "Jackalope"
Christina Alexandra Voros, "Valentine"
J Ware, "Rogue Agent"
Steve A. Warren, "Tchaikovsky"
Will Welles, "Rustlands"
Shannon Wells, "Good Luck, Nightingale"
Shannon Wells, "Ghosts of Reykjavik"
Tom Wholey, "Avoiding Intercourse"
David Williams, "Color of Fire"
Brian Thomas and Hanna Stein, "None Is Too Many"
Jeffrey C. Wray, "The Soul Singer"
Chris Wu, "The Satyr"
H.A. Young, "Forgive This Town"
Dimitri Yuri, "Blood at the Root"
Jack Zafran, "A Secret Within a Secret"
Alec Ziff, "Boys from Nowhere"

Allison Buckmelter and Nicolas Buckmelter
SCRIPT: "American Refugee"

Grace Sherman
SCRIPT: "Numbers and Words"

Joey Clarke, Jr.
SCRIPT: "Miles"

Wenonah Wilms
SCRIPT: "Horsehead Girls"

Avi Glick
SCRIPT: "A Yacht in the Apache Junction"

Daniel Miska
SCRIPT: "The Soldier that Wagged Her Tail"

Ernestina Juarez
SCRIPT: "Labryinth of Destiny"

Gabriel Mizrahi
SCRIPT: "Beside Ourselves"

Jordan Trippeer

Neal McLaughlin
SCRIPT: "The Sunshine Ward"
Bianca Ahonor, "X's and O's"
Amber Alexander, "Juniper's Point"
Ken Alston, "Gladiatrix"
Jo Anderson, "The Kissing Gate"
Annabelle Attanasio, "Mickey and the Bear"
Stephen Ayres, "Spitfire Girls"
Collin Blair, "King James"
Michael Boyle, "Do You Wanna Talk About It?"
Matthew Breault, "Ganzfeld"
Micah Brenner, "Cargo"
Ryan Bright, "We Came From the Sea"
Joel Buxton, "Limo"
Dontonio Cabreana, "Coming in Second"
Nicholas Camacho , "The Endless Fortune of the Barefoot Ship Breaker"
Christina Capra, "Rest in Peace"
Hunter Christensen, "Pastorius"
Grace Cleere, "Lost Giant"
Jeff Cocco, "Uncle Jack"
Olivia Cohen , "This Was Fun "
Michael Cummings, "The Suicide Box"
Nicolas Curcio, "The Adventures of Rat Girl "
Robert Dantas, "Aleppo"
Christopher Datta, "The Bridge of Gold"
Marcos Davalos, "Dreamer"
Kim Dempster, "The Color of Mourning"
Kim Dempster, "No Gods No Masters"
Sean Devine and Ryan Patterson, "The Carrier"
Joel Dorland, "Archer"
Robert Wolfe Dunn, "Currumpaw"
Robert Wolfe Dunn, "A Haunted Man"
Matt Eames, "The Forge"
Elizabeth Candida Eccher, "We Happy Losers"
Tom Edwards, "Mawson"
Nathan Ellis, "Man on the Mountain"
David M Erickson, "Everything in the World"
Ned Farr, "Coastline"
Joe Ferran, "To the North"
Michael Ferrari, "Born to Fly"
Jeffrey Field and Michelle Davidson, "No Man's Land"
Jeffrey Field, "Waiting Games"
Dave Florez, "Embers"
Josh Flower, "Morning of Stone"
Bridget Foley, "Principles of Flight"
Melissa Fonzino, "And They Lived..."
Aaron Galvin, "The Grave of Lainey Grace"
Kathryn S. Gardiner, "The Art of Yielding"
Dominique Genest and Nick Kreiss, "The Innocent and the Vicious"
Judy Goldberg and Chris Jones, "Rocketboy"
Andrew Gray, "Nightside"
Alex Guaglianone, "Perishables"
Andrew Hall, "The Song of Roland"
Diane Hanks, "Paragraph 175"
Peter Hanrahan, "Slumrunner"
Scott Hardie, "Arcadian"
Lukas Hassel, "Galápagos"
Jeremy Hawkins, "Fergus"
Brennig Hayden, "Red in Tooth and Claw"
Joshua Heaton, "Paul Is Dead"
Titus Heckel, "Chained"
Christopher Hlas, "Those Who Don't Learn From History Are Doomed to Las Vegas"
Sarah Hohman, "After Ever"
Paul Holbrook, "Snog"
Gemma Hurley and Markus Meedt, "The Rules That Keep Us Safe"
Rachel James, "Big Bad Wolves"
Ray Keller, "Japanese for Baseball"
Brendan O. Kelly, "Smile"
Paul A. Kimball and Parker Jamison, "The Baltimore Plot"
Gary King, "Encounters"
Zac Kish, "The First Annual Ricky Litgoe Memorial Fun Run"
Kendell Courtney Klein, "Vampira"
Kendell Courtney Klein, "Chas Addams"
Brad Klipfel, "The Loneliest Whale"
Stefan Kubicki, "Standing Rock"
David M. Kushner and Joshua Bullock, "A Love Story"
Armelle Lajus, "Freedom Soldier"
Robert M. Languedoc, "Steam"
Bill Lawrence, "Pinewood Derby"
Barry Leach, "Piece de Resistance"
Devon Lehr, "The Carrington Affair"
Alyssa Lerner, "Orange Day"
Rebecca Shuhan Lou and Sofia Drummond-Moore, "Her Weight on Me"
Sean Malcolm, "Mother"
Jess Maldaner, "Shahid"
Spencer Marentette and Josh Marentette, "The Raven King"
Brad Martocello, "American Monsters"
Jonathan Marx, "No Rest for the Wicked"
Mark Mazur, "Retrograde"
Steven McCall and Maziar Lahooti, "Die Well"
Aaron McCann and Dominic Pearce, "Big Red"
John McCarney, "Children of the Dust"
Michael McGee, "When the Moon Is in the Seventh House"
Patrick McGowan, "McHenry"
Colin J McLaughlin, "Destroyer"
C. S. McMullen, "Mistaken"
Taj Jenkins Musco, "Experience"
Cody Newton , "American Patriot "
Michael Norland, "Through the Shifting Stars"
Melissa Osborne, "Easy Out"
Lisa Otto, "Run to Me"
America Michele Palacios, "Colloredo"
Madeleine Parker , "Woman in a Barrel "
Craig Paulsen, "Miss Liberty"
Timo E. Peltonen, "The Piano Tuner"
Alex George Pickering and Matthew Breault, "Crate"
Rolf Potts, "Skin in the Game"
Gabriela Quiroz and Noah Campbell Smith, "Santuario"
Jordan Rawlins, "Love Inc."
Erin Reinelt, "Lara and the Dead Boy"
Chris Retts, "Still in the Fire"
Megan Rico, "Edie Arnold is a Loser"
Thy Riedel, "Everything Is Mostly Nothing"
Zach Roe, "The Monsters Are Here"
Andy Rogers, "Jackalopes"
Lawrence Rothfield, "Fragments"
Marisé Samitier and Juanita Cepero, "African Harvest"
Kenji Sasaki, "Go Van Gogh"
Elizabeth Savage Sullivan, "Catching Out"
Todd Scheiperpeter, "The Kingdom of the Dead"
Nick Scown, "Return of The King"
Nick Sinnott and Jessica Ellis, "High Iron"
Greg Sisco, "The Patience of Vultures"
Adam Skelter, "Danger Close"
Michael Patrick Spillers, "Whittier Boulevard"
Toy Styles, "Concrete Beach "
James Sunshine, "Adolf Silverstein"
Joel Thomas, "Pod"
Jody Thompson, "Endangered"
James Tonin, "Burning Wish"
Kevan Tucker, "King of the Earth"
Craig Ugoretz, "The Mercy Ward"
Bernie Van De Yacht, "A Man Walks into a Hardware Store"
Limary Vargas, "The Hero"
Ryan Vaughn, "Studio City"
Colin Waite, "King"
Steve A. Warren, "Becoming Quanah Parker"
Sage Wells, "Lullaby"
John Wikstrom, "The Hatchling"
Nathan Wilcoxen, "Valley of Death"
Evan Winter, "Stealing Fire"
Andrew Wood and Camilla Belle, "A China Shop"
Curt Zacharias Jr. , "35MM"
Nichole Abshire, "Imposter Impersonator"
Fawaz Al-Matrouk, "Reza & Mr. Rob"
Elisabeth Annacone, "Get Me Mine"
Cristin O'Keefe Aptowicz, "Mütter"
Kevin Arbouet, "The Black Mafia"
Beth Ashby, "Broken Sinclair"
Nathan Atkinson, "Flies"
Nancy Bannon, "Blood"
Andrew Baron, "Alessandro's Vintage"
Tim Bartell, "A Family Affair"
Abigail Briley Bean, "Blondes Die Young"
Hattie Beaney, "Sunnyside Beach"
Art Bell, "Cellini's Alexander"
Matt Benson, "Gus"
Joe Bousquin, "Gunpoint"
Tiffany Brinkman, "Moms Mabley"
Susan Brunig, "The Surveillance of Ordinary Things"
Matthew Bryan, "Eilean Mor"
Sean Cabiling, "Welcome to Manzanar"
Benjamin Carlson, "Also Known As"
Kevin Caruso, "The Shook Ones"
Giovanna Cassese, "Undocumented"
Sarah H Cho, "This Is What It Feels Like"
David Ciccarelli, "Civic Virtue"
Joey Clarke, Jr. , "Little Boy Blue"
Johnny Cohen, "Life & Death"
Marya Cohn, "Sunny Day Flooding"
Alix Conde, "Tarascon"
Filipe F. Coutinho and Ben Mehlman, "Whittier"
Matt Cutts, "Violet"
Cari Daly, "Interwoven"
Evelyn Anna Danciger, "Composed"
Lorraine Darrow, "Traction"
SJ Davis, "Glaslyn"
John Day, "None of the Above"
Ferran Mendoza Soler and Javier Loarte, "Open Sky"
Nadia Desyatnikova, "Selva"
Griffin Devine and Alyssa Devine, "The Only Child"
Revati Dhomse and Hector Lowe, "The Death of Colm Canter"
Jonathan Dillon, "Artificial"
Daniel Hart Donoghue, "Bridie's Bind"
Seth Michael Donsky, "Grit N' Glitter"
Dan Edward, "Whisper Crash"
Timothy Edwards, "A Brief History of Tim"
George Efta II, "Enjoy the Show"
Michael Egan, "Zero Dark Christmas"
Cassie Feldman, "Ex-capade"
Wes Fisher, "The Reprisal"
Michael Fitzgerald, "To Have Loved"
Christopher Forsyth, "How to Keep From Drowning"
Sally Fowler, "The Field"
Broderick Fox, "One Degree"
Nicholas Fox Robbins and Vince Robbins, "Fox & the War"
George Gardner III, "Chasing the G.O.A.T."
Billington Garrett, "Paris 1940"
Verna Gastesi, "Captain Mephisto"
Anton H. Gill, "What Happened at Hallandale"
Lisa Gold, "Foreglow"
Will Goodfellow, "All the Fish in the Sea"
Stephen Graf, "Three Hundred Years in Paradise"
Carol Grant, "Hollow Angel"
Sid Grey, "The G.O.A.T."
James Gulian, "True Conviction"
Jameson Hall, "Chenango"
Dan Hall, "Submerged"
Kristin Andrea Hanratty, "Tyler's Revolution"
Walker Hare, "Frozen Ice"
Matt Harry, "Firelight"
Bryant Hasheider, "The Cat"
Ann Hawker, "An Austrian Holiday"
Max Hersh, "Light"
Tim Hewitt, "Thy Kingdom Come"
Michael Hubbard, "The No-Goods"
Fiona Hunnisett, "Safeguard"
Garrett Iannarelli, "Battle Company"
Mike Jackson, "Time Helmet"
Jasmine Jafari, "The Persian Art of Denial"
Leonard Johnson, "Crescent"
Quendrith Johnson, "DFW's Posthumous Masterclass"
M. Scott Johnston, "Hex Sign"
Nicole Jones, "Shrimp"
Frederick Jones, "Sunbeam"
Patrick Jones, "Cherry Bomb"
Patrick Jones, "Harry and Mary Escape New York"
Brian Jun, "Old Timer"
Harris Kauffman, "Martin Hartley"
Alan King, "The Milk Bar"
Zac Kish, "Fuck You, John"
Russell Koos, "Tatanka"
Benjamin A. Kramer, "Propaganda"
(m) Carolyn Kras, "Magnetic"
Mukunthan Krishna, "Thug"
Tatiana Krokar, "Fat and Furious"
Stefan Kubicki, "Autonomy"
Liz Lachman and Cynthia Greening, "Dickinson"
Christine Lalla, "Catching Rocks"
Jennine Lanouette, "Marian"
Justin S. Lee, "Reduct"
Pearse Lehane, "Potter's Ground"
Richard Lister, "Against All Odds"
Rebecca Louisell, "Tomas and Ines"
Ben Luben, "Tyrant"
John Luiso, "Fandemonium"
Danielle Eliska Lyle, "Measure of Vengeance"
Jess Maldaner, "Under the Bridge in Nuevo Laredo"
Stu Marks, "She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain"
Bryan Marvis, "Hiroshima-Nagasaki"
Rick Mashburn, "Big Future Ahead"
Blake McCallister, "Almost Cooperstown"
Kate McNamara, "Out of the Woods"
Ashish Mehta, "Lovely, Dark and Deep"
Stacey Miller, "Claudia"
Dave Miller, "R.Y.a.N. "
Glenn Millican, "Nightswimming"
Ken Miyamoto, "The Purple Heart Battalion "
Gary Morra III, "... 'Scape the Lightning Bolt!"
Danielle Motley, "Mo' Black"
Gabriel Moura, "Rainbow Nights"
Brady Nelson, "Malifor: Prince of Faces"
Michael Noonan, "Childproof"
Michael Noonan, "Ned Gets to Kill"
Ruben Orozco, "Matryoshka"
Jocelyn Osier, "Marilyn 13"
Jacqueline Owens, "Three Gardens"
Marleine Pacilio, "Born Elizabeth Jane"
Glennyce Lynn, "Secret City"
John Ira Palmer, "Outside of Deary"
Daniel Parino, "Green v. City of New Orleans"
R.J. Patteson, "Transience"
Erick Pausz, "No Direction Home"
Marcus Pelegrin, "A Plague Amongst Us"
Zac Petrillo, "The Ones We Got"
Alex George Pickering, "Tides of Autumn"
Ben Pickles, "The Winter, the Wolf, and the Clockwork Man"
Daniel Plyam, "American"
Kenneth S Price and James Tucci, "Once More, with Feeling"
Abhishek Raghavan and Chad Hermann, "Homegrown"
Jeremy Rall, "Rhapsody"
Mat Raymond, "J.D., Harper, Truman."
Rob Rex, "Dead Man's Gulch"
Joyce Rheuban, "The Mob Meets the Jersey Devil"
Evan Richman, "The Unlucky Ones"
Christopher Robertson, "Jeffrey the Barbarian"
James Rogers, "Prostasia"
Adrienne Rush, "This Land Is Your Land"
Matt Russell, "The Slash"
Topher Ryals, "Pacific Daylight"
Zack Rybak, "Wasteland"
Amanda Samaroo, "Love is Free Will"
Jared Schincariol, "Dig Two Graves"
James C. Schlicker, "The Sweethearts Gang"
Casey Schrimpl, "Court of Combat"
Casey Schroen, "Penthouse B"
Jamie Severson, "Guilt"
Evan Shadlun, "Heartland"
Miranda Siegel, "Solid Liquid Gas"
Sean Simmans, "Death Ray"
Henderson Smith, "The Ugly Princess - The Last of the Winnowwood"
Gretchen Somerfeld, "Truly Seen"
Max Sparber, "I Only Sleep with Celebrities"
Brad Starr, "Point Nemo"
Jacob Stock , "Goat Boy "
John Paul Su, "Captain C!"
Sammy Sultan, "Raymond's Room"
Vincent Sweeney, "Whitetail"
AMS, "Touch"
Pavel Tabutov, "Please, Hold..."
Trent Tackbary, "Cold Feat"
K. Sabin Doran, "Finding Alice"
Kelsey Taylor, "The Long Way Home"
Haris Theodoratos, "Motherland"
Patrick Tierney, "The Abscess"
Danny Torres, "Kayla"
Brian Barry Turner, "Once Upon a Time in Iraq"
Jeff Tuttle, "Game Theory"
Blaine Tyler, "The Manifesto of Colton Rogers"
Phillip Van and Chris Goodwin, "To the Extreme"
Bernie Van De Yacht, "Dottie"
Isabella Vergun, "1836 Miles to Monterey "
Maja Vidrac, "The Waters of Remembrance"
Jesus Villarreal, "Ebb & Flow"
Frank Vitale, "The Boy Who Sailed the Hudson"
Lou Voiler, "Jackalope"
Christina Alexandra Voros, "Valentine"
J Ware, "Rogue Agent"
Steve A. Warren, "Tchaikovsky"
Will Welles, "Rustlands"
Shannon Wells, "Good Luck, Nightingale"
Shannon Wells, "Ghosts of Reykjavik"
Tom Wholey, "Avoiding Intercourse"
David Williams, "Color of Fire"
Brian Thomas and Hanna Stein, "None Is Too Many"
Jeffrey C. Wray, "The Soul Singer"
Chris Wu, "The Satyr"
H.A. Young, "Forgive This Town"
Dimitri Yuri, "Blood at the Root"
Jack Zafran, "A Secret Within a Secret"
Alec Ziff, "Boys from Nowhere"