SCRIPT: “Shade of the Grapefruit Tree"
SCRIPT: “Pumping Black"
SCRIPT: “Coming of Age"
SCRIPT: “The Ideal Woman"
SCRIPT: “Shelter Animal"
SCRIPT: “Garamba"
SCRIPT: “Aurora"
SCRIPT: “Stronghold"
SCRIPT: “Third Man"
SCRIPT: “American Infamy"
Aaron John Tao & Winston Tao, "Goodbye, Hurricane"
Aaron Steven, "Moonwalk"
Adam Farhi, "Action Figures"
Adam Sharp, "The War Unheard"
Agnes Bookbinder, "Stupid"
Alex Clark, "The Weight"
Alex D. Reid, "The Dream Lodge"
Alexander Waugh, "The Parts Beyond The Seas"
Amy Goddard Smith, "You Know You Love Me"
Andrew Ritter, "Jawbone Run"
Andrew Troy, "I Am A Man"
Andy Compton, "Suplex"
Andy Compton, "Bellyache"
Angela Zhou, "Empress"
Anna Vecellio, "Looking Glass"
Annie Grace, "Operation Gomorrah"
Anthony Park, "Black Korea"
Anthony Rainone, "Highway 83"
Antony Redman & Steph Song, "Nanshoku"
B. Jack Azadi, "From the Shadows to the Sun"
Baakal Geleta, "Alaska"
Ben Weiss, "Safe Havens"
Benjamin Christopher, "Redux"
Blake Robbins, "In the Lake of Fire"
Bob Graham & Kate Graham, "Escape From Eden"
Bradley Kaaya Jr., "Coyote"
Brandon Cohen, "Old Friends"
Brendan O. Kelly, "Smile"
Brent Delaney, "Perfect Flower"
Brent Delaney, "We Are Living Graves"
Brian Pachinger, "A Brief Encounter"
Calhoun Cornwell, "Orangeburg 68'"
Carmen Emmi, "Plainclothes"
Chad Mathews, "The Lion Makoi"
Chelsea Hazzard, "The Surrealist"
Christina K. Licud, "Daughters"
Christina Tucker ,"Galilee Rhode Island"
Christopher James Murray, "Sojourn"
Connor Smith, "Glisten"
Conor McFarland, "Rainbow Hunting"
Curt Stedron, "Donor"
Dan T. Fraser, "Gunship"
Daniel Jackson, "Cauliflower"
Darren Teo, "After the Fall"
David Hudacek, "The Scouts"
David Page, "Smallwood"
Deirdre Brenner & Jillian Reilly, "Black Sea Rose"
Dessaline Etienne, "A Thin [Blue and Black ] Line, Between Love and Hate"
DeVante Grace, "The Price of Freedom"
Dominic Leyton, "Son This Is She"
Erica Scandariato, "Is That You, Cecelia?"
Etienne Sievers, "Tin Can Buffaloes"
Faizan Kareem, "Astray"
Florenc Zerellari, "Contra"
Gentry Ferrell, "In the Land of Monster and Beggars"
George Pembrey & Georgia Goggin, "Kite"
Guy Patton "Dark Ages"
Hannah Sophia Meshulam, "Shiva"
Henry Harper, "Saltwater Blind"
Isobel Bradbury, "Olivia Can't Drive"
J. M. Levine, "Martingale"
J. Miller, "Slugger"
Jacob Jones, "Kiss Me Like That"
Jamie Murphy, "The Camera"
Jared Pascoe, "Secondhand Miracles"
Jen Bashian, "Kujali"
Jeremy Mott, "Country Girl"
Jessica Leonard, "Bone Music"
Joe Collevecchio, "Rotholc"
Joe N. Marino, "Fealty"
Joel B. Strunk, "Still at Large"
Joey Day Hargrove, "Highway to Heck"
John B. Burke & Paul Hansen, "I Will Hunt You Down"
John Dover, "No Lives Matter"
John Luiso, "Next Year People"
John McCarney, "PO'PAY"
Jon Baskin, "The Last Fish"
Josh Jacobs, "The First Penitent"
Josh Litman, "Impaled: A Love Story"
Josh Mellor, "The Man Who Saved Russia"
Joshua Joel Bailey, "King Bite"
Julia Doolittle, "FDR Wrote a Screenplay"
Justin Arthur Kelly, "Lockstep"
Kendra Christel, "In His Image"
Kevin Foster, "The Conduit"
Kryzz Gautier, "Wheels Come Off"
Lisa Lueddecke, "Ephemeral"
Liz Ziemska, "The Huntress"
Malinna Liang, "Ratline"
Marisé Samitier & Juanita Cepero Londono, "African Harvest"
Mason Thomas Freeman, "Jubilee"
Maureen McEly, "Wild Man"
Michael Colucci, "Minotaur"
Michael Mortimer, "Beyond the Veil"
Michael Robert Southworth, "The Diamondback"
Michael Wightman, "The Short List"
Michelle Askew, "Before I'm Gone"
Mikael Durand, "The Father of the People"
Miles Levin, "Under the Lights"
Nate Bartoshuk, "People Live Here"
Nick Chen, "Let's Unrelate"
Nicola Lanthier-Rogers, "The Drake Equation"
Nicole Groton, "Hurricane Hennley"
Odin Ozdil, "Guns and Grace"
Omid Iranikhah, "The Stoning of a Whore"
P. J. Thomas, "Blood in the Tide"
Pavel Wine, "A Christmas Roast"
Pearse Lehane, "More Than One Idiot Brother"
Peter Hanrahan, "Railing"
Peter Rex Feuchtwanger, "Seldon Seen"
Phil Connell, "Rana Plaza"
Renee Stock, "Significant Others"
Robert Lawton ,"Becoming Rocky"
Rodrigo Barriuso & Kyah Green, "Neverman"
Russell Christian Wojtusiak, "The Letter"
Sarah Archer, "The Life of Harriet Jacobs"
Scott J. Holliday, "50CK3T"
Scout Cripps, "Stolen"
Selena Lane, "Howard Be Thy Name"
Shohreh Amirzafari Harris, "Yankee Goes Home"
Sonya Ellis, "Ebi Shibari"
Stacie A. Shellner, "Release"
Steven Gregory Alan Crawford, "The Great Emu War"
Steven Markowitz, "In Flames"
Steven Robillard, "The Up and Up"
Susan Brunig, "The Surveillance of Ordinary Things"
Svilen Kamburov, "King's Heart"
Taylor Hopkins, "Stagecoach Mary"
Todd Scheiperpeter, "Par 3"
Tracy Treiber & Katie Treiber, "Assisted Living"
Tricia Lee, "Good Chance"
Tyler Doehring, "The Black & the Red"
Vince Robbins, "Now We'll Go to Hell"
Wilandrea Blair, "West Women"
Will Seefried, "Lilies Not For Me"
William Kwok, "Chinese School"
Woody Bess, "Portal to Hell"
Woody Bess, "The Second Best Astronaut in the Universe"
Yael Schick, "Blessing"
Yvette Jean Underwood, "The Border"
Aaron Mobley, "The Youth Pastor"
Adam Everett, "Soul Synthetic"
Alexander Pack, "The Hooker Project"
Alexandra Serio, "Tingle Monsters"
Alison Bonn, "Built By Hart"
Allison Orr Block, "Lizelle"
Amanda Smith, "Atalanta"
Amelie Leclerc, "The Homeless"
Anderson N. Cook, "James Thomas Thinks the Earth is Flat"
Andrew Mudge, "Kalahari"
Andrew Norman, "Carrots"
Andy Healy, "Plus 7"
Anna Israel, "Scars"
Ariane Hahusseau, "The Unfinished Sonata"
Ashley Kim, "P.S. I Love You"
Audrey Rosenberg, "Wild Animals"
Augustus Kelley Schiff, "*weird"
Austin Hobbs, "Fractures"
Austin Savage, "El Pavo Bravo"
Avishai Weinberger, "Olivia's War"
Barbara Neri, "The Forgotten Front"
Baxter Taylor, "The Luckiest Man"
Ben Fickes, "The Ashes of Orleans"
Betty Lee Kim, "Hunter-Painters of the 1980s"
Billie Jo Mason, "Speedway"
Boris Vesselinov, "Zero"
Brad Grusnick & Mike Nelson, "When Others Would Not"
Brandon Steiner, "Kissing Ralph Staccato"
Brent Michal, "Bunny"
Brian Dutt, "McVeigh"
Brit Cowan, "Miles Away From Home"
Bryan Firks, "Pocket Mom"
Cairo Smith, "The Heart of Sri Katava"
Cala Adair, "Fink"
Cameron Porette, "Roaches"
Carolyn Saunders, "Island West"
Cat Youell & Brad Crowe, "Marriage University"
Charity Katherine Stashwick, "Goal"
Chris Webster & James King, "Borrego Springs"
Christopher Beaton, "The Ballad of Ella and Dean"
Christopher Garza & Monica Nunez-Garza, "Black/White"
Christopher Poe & Jen Badasci, "Miriam"
Christos Kardana, "My Cousin Numbers"
Clifford Zimowski, "Ice Shanty"
Connor Barry, "The Grizz"
Craig Ugoretz, "The Future is a Dick"
Daniel Wood, "Philadelphia On Fire"
Darrell McGregor, "The Last Travelers"
David B. Jacobs, "Perchance to Dream"
David Trotti, "Containment"
DeForest Richards, "Chosin"
Derek Nicoletto, "A Tent on Jupiter"
E.A. Honey, "SUKI"
Elen Lotman, "Container"
Elisa Wolfe, "The Women in Arthur's Life"
Elizabeth Savage Sullivan, "Catching Out"
Eric Fineman, "Peter"
Eric Jordan Baker, "Bullfrog"
Eric W. Carlson, "Stealing the Moon"
Evan Larson, "A Thousand Slimy Things"
Ewa Banaszkiewicz-Dymek & Mateusz Dymek, "The King of The Flat White as Narrated By Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II"
Felix Peña, "The Last C.E.O."
Filipe F. Coutinho, "8-TRACKS"
Fredrick Leach, "The Hard & Short Of It"
Gabriel DiMilo, "Glitchless"
Garret Walsh, "The Far Acre"
Gina DeAngelis, "The Litany of the Saints"
Gregory Landry Beam, "The Marriage Act"
Griffin Reister Johnson, "Joseph Campbell's Penis"
Heather Spiegel, "February"
Henry Valo, "Head Case"
Hunter Burke, "The Fire UpStairs"
Isabella Issa, "Yellow Girl and Me"
Jack Cusick, "I'm Not Jack"
Jackie Phillips, "Nutcracker"
Jake Hulse, "Operation Ajax"
James G. Wright, "Half Of What You See"
James J. Robinson, "The Grand Illusion"
James Meredith, "The Color of God"
Jamey Mills, "New Americans"
Jamil Akim O'Quinn, "And A Child Will Lead"
Jane Peters, "Growing Up Crazy"
Jason Coronado, "Into The Sun"
Jax Meyer, "Linking Turns"
Jenny Waldo, "Martha's Mustang"
Jeremy Bradford, "The Itch"
Jessie Craig Roche, "Flightless Birds"
JJ Duffy, "Suburban Queen"
Joe Dzikiewicz, "Smart House"
Joe Osborn, "The Koratako"
John Mahony, "Malvado"
John Whitcher, "GULP!"
Jorge Enrique Alvarez, "Venice"
Joseph Ralko, "Samson and the Sun"
Josh Litman & Jacob Tanenbaum, "Active Shooter"
Julian Simcock, "Blue Helmets"
Karena Krull, "No Refuge"
Kate Imy, "Dream Mother"
Kathleen Burke & Brett Dameron, "8-Ball: A Pool Hall Western"
Kátia Kieling, "The Arrangement"
Katy Farzanrad, "A Little Something Different"
Keith Jeffreys, "Denali"
Keith Reynolds, "So Much Good"
Kevin Caruso, "The Shook Ones"
Kevin Krause, "Tectonic"
Kieran A. Gallagher, "The Sun Over Sapelo"
Kim Marcelino, "23 And Who?"
Kristen Johnson, "The Trek"
Kryssa Schemmerling, "Sisters of Industry"
Kyra Jones, "Go to the Body"
Lance R. Marshall, "A Beautiful Brother"
Landy Erlick, "Saffron & Saul"
LaToya Franklyn, "No Contact"
Laura Becker, "How I Became a Vengeful, Psycho Killer"
Laurie J. Gardiner, "Onset"
Leonard Phillip, "The Miles Gambit"
Lisa Jay, "Homestead"
Liz Lorie, "The After"
Lovinder Gill, "Strawberry Lassi"
Lucas Miller, "Coming Undone"
Marcia Chandler Rhea & Margaret Ford Rogers, "The Carolina Storyteller"
Marcos de la Torre, "The Little Havana Runner"
Marilynn Loveless, "Reparations"
Mark Brown, "Feeling Gravity's Pull"
Mark Tenn, "Bountiful"
Markos Volikas, "Caravan"
Matheus Haase Macedo, "Gethsemane"
Matt Eames, "The Spark"
Matt Vermilyea, "South By Ten"
Matthew Baetz, "Why in Wyoming?"
Maureen Hansch & Tony Voller, "The Seventh Swimmer"
Megan Louise Smith, "Be A Darling"
Megan Spatz, "The Bear"
Meghan Hemelt, "The Not-So Great Escape"
Melissa Kong, "Wonderful World"
Michael Caggiano, "Taking Inventory"
Michael D. Morra, "Daylight"
Michael Goedecke, "Dreamland is Burning"
Michael Grebb, "Bullies"
Michael Weinreb, "Portland"
Mike Heller, "Sherwood Way"
Mike Sheriff, "Dilation"
Morgan Wise, "Gurp"
Nan Schmid, "Scapegoat!"
Nat Miles, "Coquihalla Calling"
Nate Rufus, "The Misadventures of Hazel and Jack: An American Fantasia"
Nathan Cann, "Came Tumbling After"
Nathan Graham Davis, "The Continuum"
Neal Dhand, "Together"
Neil Chase, "Spin the Wheel"
Nicholas C. Pappas, "Baby Girl"
Oates Wu, "She Stands Still in Drifting Water"
Olivia Meredith R., "A Slow and Patient Thaw"
Olivia Rendell, "Of Flesh and Blood"
Omer Ben Shachar, "Unfit"
Omid Iranikhah, "Through the Mud"
Patrick Bradley-Moore, "A Month Without Light"
Paul Wie, "Lyon Belongs to Us"
Pavel Wine, "Please Hold..."
Peter Hoffman Kimball, "Champion"
Rachel Hoiles Farrell, "Alligator Women"
Rae Shaw, "Mating"
Rafael Diez Uriarte, "Love is Hell"
Rajiv Shah, "Blood and the Rye"
Reeshi Ray, "Pretty White Girl"
Rob Kotecki, "Homesick"
Robert Braunstein, "Luo Shente"
Roger Hart, "Red Ridin' in the Hood"
Roopashree Jeevaji & Girija Jethwani, "In The Face of Courage"
Rudy Jansen & Matt D. Miller, "Liberty, NE"
Ryan Austin, "S1TT3R"
Ryan Bliss & Emilie Peoples, "Sweet Baby Jane"
Ryan George, "Off-Grid"
Ryan Jaeger, "The Wolf, The Coyote and The Owl"
Samuel R. Peirce, "Salt West"
Sarah E. Sheldon, "To The Dark"
Sarit Zadok, "Letters to Mrs. Sebbane"
Scott Champion, "Reckless"
Sean Cabiling, "The Real Miyagi"
Sean Coyle, "Inconceivable"
Shawn Mahan, "Saint Louis"
Simon Marshall & Lesley Paterson, "Fighting Charity"
Spencer Janes, "Adolescent Eschatology"
Stephen Saltarelli, "Rocked"
Stephen Saltarelli, "Another Her"
Steven Lankenau, "The Art of Losing"
Steven Snell, "Punchbag"
Summera Howell, "Big, Strong, and Brave"
Sylvia-Anne Parker, "600 Steps"
Talia Hotaling, "The Fond Hearts"
Tami Ryder, "Where's The Body"
Tanya Klein, "Impunity"
Tara Hall, "Alternate Verses"
Tara Jean O'Brien, "Do Not Go Gently"
Ted Bronson, "Forgotten Depths"
Teng Ky-Gan, "Swept Away"
Thato Mwosa, "A Blue Dawn"
Tiffany Albright, "Wild Territory"
Timothy Papciak, "Grunts"
Todd Bartels, "Janey"
Todd Lien & Nick Bain, "Straight A"
Tom Dibble & Laurel Williams, "Overnight Success"
Tony Akio Cohen, "Klamath Falls"
Ty Trumbo, "My Marilyn"
Tyler Rivenbark, "We All Vanish in White"
Vandon Gibbs, "In Blood"
Vanessa Kennon Herron, "Inside Life"

SCRIPT: “Shade of the Grapefruit Tree"

SCRIPT: “Pumping Black"

SCRIPT: “Coming of Age"

SCRIPT: “The Ideal Woman"

SCRIPT: “Shelter Animal"

SCRIPT: “Garamba"

SCRIPT: “Aurora"

SCRIPT: “Stronghold"

SCRIPT: “Third Man"

SCRIPT: “American Infamy"
Aaron John Tao & Winston Tao, "Goodbye, Hurricane"
Aaron Steven, "Moonwalk"
Adam Farhi, "Action Figures"
Adam Sharp, "The War Unheard"
Agnes Bookbinder, "Stupid"
Alex Clark, "The Weight"
Alex D. Reid, "The Dream Lodge"
Alexander Waugh, "The Parts Beyond The Seas"
Amy Goddard Smith, "You Know You Love Me"
Andrew Ritter, "Jawbone Run"
Andrew Troy, "I Am A Man"
Andy Compton, "Suplex"
Andy Compton, "Bellyache"
Angela Zhou, "Empress"
Anna Vecellio, "Looking Glass"
Annie Grace, "Operation Gomorrah"
Anthony Park, "Black Korea"
Anthony Rainone, "Highway 83"
Antony Redman & Steph Song, "Nanshoku"
B. Jack Azadi, "From the Shadows to the Sun"
Baakal Geleta, "Alaska"
Ben Weiss, "Safe Havens"
Benjamin Christopher, "Redux"
Blake Robbins, "In the Lake of Fire"
Bob Graham & Kate Graham, "Escape From Eden"
Bradley Kaaya Jr., "Coyote"
Brandon Cohen, "Old Friends"
Brendan O. Kelly, "Smile"
Brent Delaney, "Perfect Flower"
Brent Delaney, "We Are Living Graves"
Brian Pachinger, "A Brief Encounter"
Calhoun Cornwell, "Orangeburg 68'"
Carmen Emmi, "Plainclothes"
Chad Mathews, "The Lion Makoi"
Chelsea Hazzard, "The Surrealist"
Christina K. Licud, "Daughters"
Christina Tucker ,"Galilee Rhode Island"
Christopher James Murray, "Sojourn"
Connor Smith, "Glisten"
Conor McFarland, "Rainbow Hunting"
Curt Stedron, "Donor"
Dan T. Fraser, "Gunship"
Daniel Jackson, "Cauliflower"
Darren Teo, "After the Fall"
David Hudacek, "The Scouts"
David Page, "Smallwood"
Deirdre Brenner & Jillian Reilly, "Black Sea Rose"
Dessaline Etienne, "A Thin [Blue and Black ] Line, Between Love and Hate"
DeVante Grace, "The Price of Freedom"
Dominic Leyton, "Son This Is She"
Erica Scandariato, "Is That You, Cecelia?"
Etienne Sievers, "Tin Can Buffaloes"
Faizan Kareem, "Astray"
Florenc Zerellari, "Contra"
Gentry Ferrell, "In the Land of Monster and Beggars"
George Pembrey & Georgia Goggin, "Kite"
Guy Patton "Dark Ages"
Hannah Sophia Meshulam, "Shiva"
Henry Harper, "Saltwater Blind"
Isobel Bradbury, "Olivia Can't Drive"
J. M. Levine, "Martingale"
J. Miller, "Slugger"
Jacob Jones, "Kiss Me Like That"
Jamie Murphy, "The Camera"
Jared Pascoe, "Secondhand Miracles"
Jen Bashian, "Kujali"
Jeremy Mott, "Country Girl"
Jessica Leonard, "Bone Music"
Joe Collevecchio, "Rotholc"
Joe N. Marino, "Fealty"
Joel B. Strunk, "Still at Large"
Joey Day Hargrove, "Highway to Heck"
John B. Burke & Paul Hansen, "I Will Hunt You Down"
John Dover, "No Lives Matter"
John Luiso, "Next Year People"
John McCarney, "PO'PAY"
Jon Baskin, "The Last Fish"
Josh Jacobs, "The First Penitent"
Josh Litman, "Impaled: A Love Story"
Josh Mellor, "The Man Who Saved Russia"
Joshua Joel Bailey, "King Bite"
Julia Doolittle, "FDR Wrote a Screenplay"
Justin Arthur Kelly, "Lockstep"
Kendra Christel, "In His Image"
Kevin Foster, "The Conduit"
Kryzz Gautier, "Wheels Come Off"
Lisa Lueddecke, "Ephemeral"
Liz Ziemska, "The Huntress"
Malinna Liang, "Ratline"
Marisé Samitier & Juanita Cepero Londono, "African Harvest"
Mason Thomas Freeman, "Jubilee"
Maureen McEly, "Wild Man"
Michael Colucci, "Minotaur"
Michael Mortimer, "Beyond the Veil"
Michael Robert Southworth, "The Diamondback"
Michael Wightman, "The Short List"
Michelle Askew, "Before I'm Gone"
Mikael Durand, "The Father of the People"
Miles Levin, "Under the Lights"
Nate Bartoshuk, "People Live Here"
Nick Chen, "Let's Unrelate"
Nicola Lanthier-Rogers, "The Drake Equation"
Nicole Groton, "Hurricane Hennley"
Odin Ozdil, "Guns and Grace"
Omid Iranikhah, "The Stoning of a Whore"
P. J. Thomas, "Blood in the Tide"
Pavel Wine, "A Christmas Roast"
Pearse Lehane, "More Than One Idiot Brother"
Peter Hanrahan, "Railing"
Peter Rex Feuchtwanger, "Seldon Seen"
Phil Connell, "Rana Plaza"
Renee Stock, "Significant Others"
Robert Lawton ,"Becoming Rocky"
Rodrigo Barriuso & Kyah Green, "Neverman"
Russell Christian Wojtusiak, "The Letter"
Sarah Archer, "The Life of Harriet Jacobs"
Scott J. Holliday, "50CK3T"
Scout Cripps, "Stolen"
Selena Lane, "Howard Be Thy Name"
Shohreh Amirzafari Harris, "Yankee Goes Home"
Sonya Ellis, "Ebi Shibari"
Stacie A. Shellner, "Release"
Steven Gregory Alan Crawford, "The Great Emu War"
Steven Markowitz, "In Flames"
Steven Robillard, "The Up and Up"
Susan Brunig, "The Surveillance of Ordinary Things"
Svilen Kamburov, "King's Heart"
Taylor Hopkins, "Stagecoach Mary"
Todd Scheiperpeter, "Par 3"
Tracy Treiber & Katie Treiber, "Assisted Living"
Tricia Lee, "Good Chance"
Tyler Doehring, "The Black & the Red"
Vince Robbins, "Now We'll Go to Hell"
Wilandrea Blair, "West Women"
Will Seefried, "Lilies Not For Me"
William Kwok, "Chinese School"
Woody Bess, "Portal to Hell"
Woody Bess, "The Second Best Astronaut in the Universe"
Yael Schick, "Blessing"
Yvette Jean Underwood, "The Border"
Aaron Mobley, "The Youth Pastor"
Adam Everett, "Soul Synthetic"
Alexander Pack, "The Hooker Project"
Alexandra Serio, "Tingle Monsters"
Alison Bonn, "Built By Hart"
Allison Orr Block, "Lizelle"
Amanda Smith, "Atalanta"
Amelie Leclerc, "The Homeless"
Anderson N. Cook, "James Thomas Thinks the Earth is Flat"
Andrew Mudge, "Kalahari"
Andrew Norman, "Carrots"
Andy Healy, "Plus 7"
Anna Israel, "Scars"
Ariane Hahusseau, "The Unfinished Sonata"
Ashley Kim, "P.S. I Love You"
Audrey Rosenberg, "Wild Animals"
Augustus Kelley Schiff, "*weird"
Austin Hobbs, "Fractures"
Austin Savage, "El Pavo Bravo"
Avishai Weinberger, "Olivia's War"
Barbara Neri, "The Forgotten Front"
Baxter Taylor, "The Luckiest Man"
Ben Fickes, "The Ashes of Orleans"
Betty Lee Kim, "Hunter-Painters of the 1980s"
Billie Jo Mason, "Speedway"
Boris Vesselinov, "Zero"
Brad Grusnick & Mike Nelson, "When Others Would Not"
Brandon Steiner, "Kissing Ralph Staccato"
Brent Michal, "Bunny"
Brian Dutt, "McVeigh"
Brit Cowan, "Miles Away From Home"
Bryan Firks, "Pocket Mom"
Cairo Smith, "The Heart of Sri Katava"
Cala Adair, "Fink"
Cameron Porette, "Roaches"
Carolyn Saunders, "Island West"
Cat Youell & Brad Crowe, "Marriage University"
Charity Katherine Stashwick, "Goal"
Chris Webster & James King, "Borrego Springs"
Christopher Beaton, "The Ballad of Ella and Dean"
Christopher Garza & Monica Nunez-Garza, "Black/White"
Christopher Poe & Jen Badasci, "Miriam"
Christos Kardana, "My Cousin Numbers"
Clifford Zimowski, "Ice Shanty"
Connor Barry, "The Grizz"
Craig Ugoretz, "The Future is a Dick"
Daniel Wood, "Philadelphia On Fire"
Darrell McGregor, "The Last Travelers"
David B. Jacobs, "Perchance to Dream"
David Trotti, "Containment"
DeForest Richards, "Chosin"
Derek Nicoletto, "A Tent on Jupiter"
E.A. Honey, "SUKI"
Elen Lotman, "Container"
Elisa Wolfe, "The Women in Arthur's Life"
Elizabeth Savage Sullivan, "Catching Out"
Eric Fineman, "Peter"
Eric Jordan Baker, "Bullfrog"
Eric W. Carlson, "Stealing the Moon"
Evan Larson, "A Thousand Slimy Things"
Ewa Banaszkiewicz-Dymek & Mateusz Dymek, "The King of The Flat White as Narrated By Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II"
Felix Peña, "The Last C.E.O."
Filipe F. Coutinho, "8-TRACKS"
Fredrick Leach, "The Hard & Short Of It"
Gabriel DiMilo, "Glitchless"
Garret Walsh, "The Far Acre"
Gina DeAngelis, "The Litany of the Saints"
Gregory Landry Beam, "The Marriage Act"
Griffin Reister Johnson, "Joseph Campbell's Penis"
Heather Spiegel, "February"
Henry Valo, "Head Case"
Hunter Burke, "The Fire UpStairs"
Isabella Issa, "Yellow Girl and Me"
Jack Cusick, "I'm Not Jack"
Jackie Phillips, "Nutcracker"
Jake Hulse, "Operation Ajax"
James G. Wright, "Half Of What You See"
James J. Robinson, "The Grand Illusion"
James Meredith, "The Color of God"
Jamey Mills, "New Americans"
Jamil Akim O'Quinn, "And A Child Will Lead"
Jane Peters, "Growing Up Crazy"
Jason Coronado, "Into The Sun"
Jax Meyer, "Linking Turns"
Jenny Waldo, "Martha's Mustang"
Jeremy Bradford, "The Itch"
Jessie Craig Roche, "Flightless Birds"
JJ Duffy, "Suburban Queen"
Joe Dzikiewicz, "Smart House"
Joe Osborn, "The Koratako"
John Mahony, "Malvado"
John Whitcher, "GULP!"
Jorge Enrique Alvarez, "Venice"
Joseph Ralko, "Samson and the Sun"
Josh Litman & Jacob Tanenbaum, "Active Shooter"
Julian Simcock, "Blue Helmets"
Karena Krull, "No Refuge"
Kate Imy, "Dream Mother"
Kathleen Burke & Brett Dameron, "8-Ball: A Pool Hall Western"
Kátia Kieling, "The Arrangement"
Katy Farzanrad, "A Little Something Different"
Keith Jeffreys, "Denali"
Keith Reynolds, "So Much Good"
Kevin Caruso, "The Shook Ones"
Kevin Krause, "Tectonic"
Kieran A. Gallagher, "The Sun Over Sapelo"
Kim Marcelino, "23 And Who?"
Kristen Johnson, "The Trek"
Kryssa Schemmerling, "Sisters of Industry"
Kyra Jones, "Go to the Body"
Lance R. Marshall, "A Beautiful Brother"
Landy Erlick, "Saffron & Saul"
LaToya Franklyn, "No Contact"
Laura Becker, "How I Became a Vengeful, Psycho Killer"
Laurie J. Gardiner, "Onset"
Leonard Phillip, "The Miles Gambit"
Lisa Jay, "Homestead"
Liz Lorie, "The After"
Lovinder Gill, "Strawberry Lassi"
Lucas Miller, "Coming Undone"
Marcia Chandler Rhea & Margaret Ford Rogers, "The Carolina Storyteller"
Marcos de la Torre, "The Little Havana Runner"
Marilynn Loveless, "Reparations"
Mark Brown, "Feeling Gravity's Pull"
Mark Tenn, "Bountiful"
Markos Volikas, "Caravan"
Matheus Haase Macedo, "Gethsemane"
Matt Eames, "The Spark"
Matt Vermilyea, "South By Ten"
Matthew Baetz, "Why in Wyoming?"
Maureen Hansch & Tony Voller, "The Seventh Swimmer"
Megan Louise Smith, "Be A Darling"
Megan Spatz, "The Bear"
Meghan Hemelt, "The Not-So Great Escape"
Melissa Kong, "Wonderful World"
Michael Caggiano, "Taking Inventory"
Michael D. Morra, "Daylight"
Michael Goedecke, "Dreamland is Burning"
Michael Grebb, "Bullies"
Michael Weinreb, "Portland"
Mike Heller, "Sherwood Way"
Mike Sheriff, "Dilation"
Morgan Wise, "Gurp"
Nan Schmid, "Scapegoat!"
Nat Miles, "Coquihalla Calling"
Nate Rufus, "The Misadventures of Hazel and Jack: An American Fantasia"
Nathan Cann, "Came Tumbling After"
Nathan Graham Davis, "The Continuum"
Neal Dhand, "Together"
Neil Chase, "Spin the Wheel"
Nicholas C. Pappas, "Baby Girl"
Oates Wu, "She Stands Still in Drifting Water"
Olivia Meredith R., "A Slow and Patient Thaw"
Olivia Rendell, "Of Flesh and Blood"
Omer Ben Shachar, "Unfit"
Omid Iranikhah, "Through the Mud"
Patrick Bradley-Moore, "A Month Without Light"
Paul Wie, "Lyon Belongs to Us"
Pavel Wine, "Please Hold..."
Peter Hoffman Kimball, "Champion"
Rachel Hoiles Farrell, "Alligator Women"
Rae Shaw, "Mating"
Rafael Diez Uriarte, "Love is Hell"
Rajiv Shah, "Blood and the Rye"
Reeshi Ray, "Pretty White Girl"
Rob Kotecki, "Homesick"
Robert Braunstein, "Luo Shente"
Roger Hart, "Red Ridin' in the Hood"
Roopashree Jeevaji & Girija Jethwani, "In The Face of Courage"
Rudy Jansen & Matt D. Miller, "Liberty, NE"
Ryan Austin, "S1TT3R"
Ryan Bliss & Emilie Peoples, "Sweet Baby Jane"
Ryan George, "Off-Grid"
Ryan Jaeger, "The Wolf, The Coyote and The Owl"
Samuel R. Peirce, "Salt West"
Sarah E. Sheldon, "To The Dark"
Sarit Zadok, "Letters to Mrs. Sebbane"
Scott Champion, "Reckless"
Sean Cabiling, "The Real Miyagi"
Sean Coyle, "Inconceivable"
Shawn Mahan, "Saint Louis"
Simon Marshall & Lesley Paterson, "Fighting Charity"
Spencer Janes, "Adolescent Eschatology"
Stephen Saltarelli, "Rocked"
Stephen Saltarelli, "Another Her"
Steven Lankenau, "The Art of Losing"
Steven Snell, "Punchbag"
Summera Howell, "Big, Strong, and Brave"
Sylvia-Anne Parker, "600 Steps"
Talia Hotaling, "The Fond Hearts"
Tami Ryder, "Where's The Body"
Tanya Klein, "Impunity"
Tara Hall, "Alternate Verses"
Tara Jean O'Brien, "Do Not Go Gently"
Ted Bronson, "Forgotten Depths"
Teng Ky-Gan, "Swept Away"
Thato Mwosa, "A Blue Dawn"
Tiffany Albright, "Wild Territory"
Timothy Papciak, "Grunts"
Todd Bartels, "Janey"
Todd Lien & Nick Bain, "Straight A"
Tom Dibble & Laurel Williams, "Overnight Success"
Tony Akio Cohen, "Klamath Falls"
Ty Trumbo, "My Marilyn"
Tyler Rivenbark, "We All Vanish in White"
Vandon Gibbs, "In Blood"
Vanessa Kennon Herron, "Inside Life"