This Spring our New York office presented An Animation Showcase: From Celluloid to CGI, an animation series that took place April 24 – May 29, 2015. Aimed at highlighting the techniques that make up the craft of animation, the program used a variety of panels and screenings to explain and explore hand-drawn, stop-motion and CGI animation.
The series opened with a presentation featuring the animation studio LAIKA’s creative team behind the Academy Award-nominated Coraline (2009), ParaNorman (2012) and The Boxtrolls (2014). The showcase also included a conversation with members of Blue Sky Studios about their CGI work, a program on the history of silent animation in New York and closed with a sneak preview of Disney-Pixar’s Inside Out.
An Animation Showcase: From Celluloid to CGI Events
April 24: The Nuts and Bolts of Stop Motion: The Artistry and Ingenuity of LAIKA
See All the Animation Showcase: From Celluloid to CGI Events
April 24: The Nuts and Bolts of Stop Motion: The Artistry and Ingenuity of LAIKA
*Please note, this event is SOLD OUT. There will be a STAND-BY line at the door when the box office opens at 6pm and rush tickets will be sold at 6:50pm SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY.
An Animation Showcase: From Celluloid to CGI Events
April 24: The Nuts and Bolts of Stop Motion: The Artistry and Ingenuity of LAIKA
Images courtesy of Disney*Pixar.