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The Decline of Western Civilization: Part III

Decline of Western Civilization III
The Decline of Western Civilization: Part III
FEB 16 - FEB 16 7:00 PM PDT - 7:00 PM PDT
Add to Calendar America/Los_Angeles The Decline of Western Civilization: Part III New 35mm printPenelope Spheeris returns to the punk scene she first documented in 1981 and finds new bands equally as inflammatory as their predecessors. The powerful final chapter in Spheeris’s Decline of Western Civilization trilogy again not only focuses on these newer underground bands – such as the politically-charged Naked Aggression – but also the concertgoers and club owners that sustain them. Spheeris pays special attention to their fans, particularly the young and homeless “g... Bing TheaterLos Angeles County Museum of Art5905 Wilshire BlvdLos Angeles, CA 90036 | Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

Decline of Western Civilization III

Bing Theater
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
5905 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90036

New 35mm print

Penelope Spheeris returns to the punk scene she first documented in 1981 and finds new bands equally as inflammatory as their predecessors. The powerful final chapter in Spheeris’s Decline of Western Civilization trilogy again not only focuses on these newer underground bands – such as the politically-charged Naked Aggression – but also the concertgoers and club owners that sustain them. Spheeris pays special attention to their fans, particularly the young and homeless “gutterpunks.” Raised in broken homes, they live drink to drink, squatting in derelict Hollywood buildings and panhandling, or “spanging,” on Hollywood Boulevard to get by.  

1998, 86 minutes, color, 35mm | Directed by Penelope Spheeris; with Final Conflict, Litmus Green, Naked Aggression and The Resistance.