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Information on ACES and how to determine if it was used on your production

Academy Color Encoding System

Information on ACES and how to determine if it was used on your production


The Academy is requesting this information for all submissions to better understand the progress of ACES adoption in motion picture production. Your answer will help the Academy to better guide our work, and your answer will not affect your production’s eligibility in any way.

Definitions of “Full” ACES and “Partial” ACES: 
Full ACES 
- Your production used ACES on set, in VFX, Digital Intermediate and final Mastering
- Your production used ACES Input Transforms, Academy-published ACES Output Transforms, and delivered master digital image files conforming to Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) standard ST 2065-4

Partial ACES
- Your production used ACES in one or more but not all of the following: on-set, VFX, Digital Intermediate and final Mastering

To find out if your submission used ACES, and whether it used a full or partial ACES workflow, please contact any of the following companies or individuals that worked on your production. We recommend asking in the following order:
- the Digital Intermediate facility
- the Colorist
- the Postproduction Supervisor
- the Visual Effects Supervisor
- the lead Visual Effects facility
- the Cinematographer
- the Digital Imaging Technician (if used)

If you need assistance in determining whether ACES was used in your production, please contact the Academy at

For more information on ACES and how it can help your next production achieve the best image quality possible and to protect it for future re-use, please visit