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Onstage Speech Transcript: Visual Effects

CATEGORY: Visual Effects
SPEECH BY: Paul Franklin, Andrew Lockley, Ian Hunter and Scott Fisher
FILM: Interstellar


Andrew Lockley:

Thank you very much, the Academy, for this. Thank you to Chris Nolan and Emma Thomas for taking us on an amazing voyage across space and time. Thank you to Paramount and Warner Bros. To our producers, Kevin Elam and Ann Podlozny. To the teams at Double Negative, New Deal Studios and our amazing special effects teams. To all our friends and family, who sustain and support us through all of this. To my amazing wife and fantastic children for putting up with so much. And thank you to one of the smartest people on Earth, Professor Kip Thorne of Caltech, and all the explorers of science who show us the universe in all its amazing and terrifying beauty. And one of these apparently is good for a free drink, so we’re gonna go and test that out back there. Thank you. 

Ian Hunter:





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