CATEGORY: Sound Editing
SPEECH BY: Alan Robert Murray and Bub Asman
FILM: American Sniper
Alan Robert Murray:
Thank you to the Academy. First of all, to Mr. Clint Eastwood, it’s always been an honor and a privilege to work with you. You are the best. To Rob Lorenz, Bradley Cooper and the entire Malpaso team, thank you for your inspiration and your support. To Kim Wong and the Warner Bros. family, to my family at home, Debbie, Blu, Kevin and Hailey, thank you, I love you. And to our incredible sound team.
Bub Asman:
We want to mention a few people that we just really wouldn’t be up here without. Key crewmembers, Jason King, Tom Ozanich, Katy Wood and Michael Dressel. And to my family, Jackie, Andy and Bill. Love you guys. Thank you very much.
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