CATEGORY: Production Design
SPEECH BY: Production Design: Adam Stockhausen; Set Decoration: Anna Pinnock
FILM: The Grand Budapest Hotel
Adam Stockhausen:
Thank you to the Academy for this award. And thank you, thank you, thank you to Wes Anderson for making this beautiful film. Wes, making The Grand Budapest with you was a dream come true and I just, I can’t say thank you enough. Thanks as well to Ralph, Tony and the magnificent cast. To Steven Rales, Scott Rudin, Jeremy Dawson. And thank you to our art department. We’re here because of the tremendous effort of our whole team from set dressing and construction to graphics and props. We’re so, so proud of you all tonight. We share this award with you. And finally, thank you to my family, to my teachers and to a fellow named Mark Friedberg who gave me my start and showed me how it’s done right.
Anna Pinnock:
And thank you, Wes, for a brilliant script.
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