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Onstage Speech Transcript: Directing

CATEGORY: Directing
SPEECH BY: Alejandro G. Iñárritu
FILM: Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)


Good luck charm work because in the [DGA] Award, I was wearing a Raymond Carver shirt, a Billy Wilder tie and I won. But today, tonight, I am wearing the real Michael Keaton tighty whities. Thank you. They are tight, smell like balls. But it work. I’m here. Thank you, Michael. Honestly, this is crazy in a way, talking about that little prick called ego. Ego loves competition, right? Because for someone to win, someone has to lose. But the paradox is that, you know, true art, true individual expression as all the work of these incredible fellow filmmakers, can’t be compared, can’t be labeled, can’t be defeat because they exist and our work only will be judged, as always, by time. So, I am very thankful, grateful, humbly honored by the Academy, which I thank for this incredible recognition. Which I have it [the Oscar] here because the work of all the actors, all the producers. Chivo Lubezki, which I didn’t mention. Chivo, I love you. You are the genius. You are the artist of our generation. Martín Hernández, Antonio Sanchez, so many people that work in this film and obviously, again, you know I forgot all of you. I forgot so many people. This is like a slow-motion kind of moment in my life, so forget if I forgot anybody. I love all. [Spanish.]




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