CATEGORY: Best Picture
SPEECH BY: Alejandro G. Iñárritu, John Lesher and James W. Skotchdopole
Alejandro G. Iñárritu:
I don’t want to talk. Oh, my God. They want me to talk because I am the worst English-speaking guy here. Maybe next year the government will inflict some immigration rules to the Academy. Two Mexicans in a row, that’s suspicious, I guess. I want to thank so many people that I forgot. Arnon, Brad Weston, again. I thank you very much for believing in this crazy idea. All the people that were behind this film was really heroes because the idea was really crazy. A script that started with a middle-aged man, interior dressing room, cross-legged, floating, can go anywhere and we are here. I don’t know how that happened but it happened. And, anyway, I just really want to thank everybody.
John Lesher:
And I want to thank Christina, my kids, Emma and Joe. I want to thank our agents, Brian, Roeg, Beth, everyone who helped get this movie made. It’s amazing.
Alejandro G. Iñárritu:
[Emmanuel Lubezki whispers into his ear] She’s reminding me my wife. Maria, I love you. You know that, okay. We say that every morning when we wake up. Honestly, and my kids but, anyway. There are so many people to thank. I want to thank Tess Gallagher, which is the widow of Raymond Carver, who allowed us to use the Raymond Carver story, which is incredible. I want to thank Guillermo del Toro and Alfonso Cuarón, as I mention already, because they have been part of this too all my life and all my career. And I don’t know if you have something to say. I just want to take the opportunity. Michael. I want to say Michael and all the cast, but Michael was the guy who really, really—Michael, come.
Michael Keaton:
This has been a tremendous experience. This guy’s as bold as bold can be. And it was just a tremendous honor for me to—look, it’s great to be here. Who am I kidding? This is just great fun. Thank you very much.
Alejandro G. Iñárritu:
Finally I just want to take one second. I just want to take the opportunity. I want to dedicate this award for my fellow Mexicans. The ones who live in Mexico, I pray that we can find and build the government that we deserve. And the ones that live in this country who are part of the latest generation of immigrants in this country, I just pray that they can be treated with the same dignity and respect of the ones who came before and build this incredible immigrant nation. Thank you very much.
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