CATEGORY: Short Film (Animated)
SPEECH BY: Patrick Osborne and Kristina Reed
Q. Great. Patrick, congratulations.
A. (Patrick Osborne) Thank you so much.
Q. From a bear cat to a musketeer. I want to ask you, this sort of ‑‑ has gone back to Disney's roots, short films, animated films, that's how Mickey Mouse started, that's how everybody got to know Disney. So how does that feel to be so successful, doing something that's getting Disney back to where they're supposed to be?
A. (Patrick Osborne) It's no ‑‑ it's a surprise to you when you get the green light, like you know that there's so ‑‑ that Disney's short history is just massive and there's so many good ones. So it's an incredibly scary and daunting thing to kind of ‑‑ you don't want to be the bad one. You want to be something ‑‑ you want it to be something that lives up within that, so you're constantly aware of that, but it's an honor to be able to make something in the studio with so many talented people where you can play something amongst those shorts that kind of exist in Disney's history forever. It's really cool.
Q. Congratulations. Your FEAST was part of the short category across the U.S., [inaudible] can make short films.
I wanted to ask you how important you think it is for a filmmaker that your work be shown on the big screen.
A. (Patrick Osborne) Well, we make it on the big screen every day at work and we mix it for a great sound and we make it big. And the best possible way to see it is in the theatre, that's where we are while we're making it. So it's amazing.
A. (Kristina Reed) We obsess over every pixel in an animated film and we want our audiences to see every pixel.
Q. Congratulations. I was amazed to find out that you had prepared for making this film by taking one‑second videos of every dinner that you had in 2012. Is there someplace we can see every dinner you had in 2012 and will it be included anywhere?
A. (Patrick Osborne) Yeah, there's a video of all my dinners in 2012. I think there's maybe a ‑‑ there's a version of it that's a little bit short that's out there right now floating around the Internet somewhere, but maybe I'll put out the rest because you can tell ‑‑ you know ‑‑ I don't know, you watch all your meals in an entire year, and you can see where your dieting is not working and why you're gaining weight.
A. (Kristina Reed) And everything else happening in your life. It's amazing how vivid it is through your meals.
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