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93rd Oscars Onstage Speech Transcript: VISUAL EFFECTS

SPEECH BY: Andrew Jackson, David Lee, Andrew Lockley and Scott Fisher



Well, all my colleagues are overseas. Unfortunately for them, they have to let me speak, so this is what you get. It's amazing, amazing. Our visual effects team on “Tenet,” we did so many things and there's so many departments we have to thank. Not just in our own but in, you know, the art department and Nathan, and camera department, Hoyte. And of course our stunt coordinator, George Cottle, who’s amazing. And . . . but it all goes back to our director, Christopher Nolan. He, he leads us all and gives us amazing opportunities to do amazing things. And I’d like to thank my family, my wife, my amazing crew. And my father, who won this same award. Thank you.


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