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93rd Oscars Onstage Speech Transcript: FILM EDITING

SPEECH BY: Mikkel E. G. Nielsen


Thank you, thank you Academy. And fellow nominees, you’re an inspiration to me. I’m from Denmark, and I would like to greet Denmark because they are extremely bold at funding the Danish Film School so we students can develop our craft and language for four years. It’s amazing. This is what you get, so just continue doing it. I would like to thank Eve and Angus and my amazing assistant Alex. And my whole family at Rock Paper Scissors. You guys raised the bar. I would like to thank my agents, Hillary and Rebecca. I would like to thank Amazon and Caviar and everyone from cast and crew for sharing your enormous talents. The deaf community for inviting me in. Very inspiring and rewarding worlds. And I would like to thank all my friends, my families. My parents, I have to [inaudible] my parents. My sisters, my wife Judith and my kids Mingus and Ella. They always allow me to spend time with my big love affair: editing. So thank you for that. But one above all. Darius Marder. Thank you for your incredible vision. Thank you for inviting me on this life-changing, I would say journey, and it’s been like following a rainbow for me and today I feel like we found the gold. Thank you.



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