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93rd Oscars Onstage Speech Transcript: DIRECTING

SPEECH BY: Chloé Zhao



Oh, man, thank you. Thank you to the Academy. Thank you to my brilliant, brilliant nominees, fellow nominees, thank you. My entire “Nomadland” company. What a crazy, once-in-a-lifetime journey we went on together. Thank you so much. I'm so grateful to you. I've been thinking a lot lately of how I keep going when things get hard. And I think, I think it goes back to something I learned when I was a kid. When I was growing up in China, my dad and I used to play this game, we would memorize classic Chinese poems and texts. And we would recite it together and try to finish each other's sentences. And there's one that I remember so dearly. It’s called the “Three Character Classics” and the first phrase goes [speaks in Chinese]. People at birth are inherently good. And those six letters had such a great impact on me when I was a kid, and I still truly believe them today. Even though sometimes it might seem like the opposite is true. But I have always found goodness in the people I met, everywhere I went in the world. So this [holds up Oscar] is for anyone who had the faith and the courage to hold on to the goodness in themselves, and to hold on to the goodness in each other, no matter how difficult it is to do that. And this is for you. You inspire me to keep going. Thank you. Thank you.


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