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93rd Oscars Onstage Speech Transcript: CINEMATOGRAPHY

SPEECH BY: Erik Messerschmidt


Wow. I wish I could cut this into five pieces ’cause it’s such an honor to be nominated amongst all of you. It’s an incredible honor. David, thank you. Thank you for creating an environment where we could do our best work and I got to go home and feel like I gave it my all every night. Thank you. Ceán, thank you for the endless support. Eric Roth, thank you for the guidance. Amanda, Gary, what a privilege and a joy to watch you work. The entire cast, thank you for hitting your marks. They mattered. And it’s this really belongs to an extraordinary crew who I could not do anything without. Brian, Will, Alex, Dave, Gary, Dwayne, Danny, Jerry and all of your team, you make my job easy. Thank you. And thank you to my beautiful wife Naiara who tolerates this crazy business and helped me get through this movie, so thank you so much. Thank you.



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