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93rd Oscars Backstage Interview Transcript: DOCUMENTARY (SHORT SUBJECT)

SPEECH BY: Anthony Giacchino and Alice Doyard


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Q. Hi.  Congratulations.  How is it the Oscars in a pandemic, it looks totally safe?  How are you feeling? 
A. (Anthony Giacchino)  Yeah, like really great.  I mean, I just sort of remarked outside that I was glad that I was at this one because it was so small.  It's really intimate, and I actually feel very safe because I know all of the tests I had to do to make sure that we were able to sit out there.  And I just know that everyone else had to do the exact same thing.  So, yeah, very safe, and it's great.  It's really, yeah, intimate is I think the best word.
A. (Alice Doyard)  It's intimate, and you could (inaudible) you would not do if there was too many people. 

Q. Hi.  Congratulations. 
A. (Anthony Giacchino)  Thank you. 

Q. I just wanted to ‑‑ I know it's the 93rd Oscars.  A message for my ‑‑ tell her story to the world. 
A. (Alice Doyard)  Colette ‑‑ (Speaks in French). 
A. (Anthony Giacchino)  I would say the same thing.  Thank you so much.  And, also, I really believe when I was thinking that she was born 22 days before the first Oscars ceremony ‑‑ and I've seen pictures of what that looked like in this little hotel, and people were sitting at tables.  And I really felt like this, this must have been what it felt like on, you know, on that ‑‑ in 1929.  And it's just amazing to me to think that she's just this kind of magical connection.  Unbelievable. 
A. (Alice Doyard)  (Speaking French)  Merci, Colette. 

Q. Hello.  Congratulations.  I just want to say, because your documentary is about a 90‑year‑old woman, how did you discover about her, and what was the facts behind it, and do you have any idea that you would win this Oscar? 
A. (Anthony Giacchino)  No.  I mean, I'll start with the last thing.  No, it wasn't even on our mind.  It was pure documentary luck.  We were thinking of something else.  In Normandy, a World War II story, we had a wonderful tour guide who said, I know a woman who was in the French Resistance.  I'll introduce to you if you want.  And that is how it happened.  You know, we didn't read anything about her.  We didn't know anything about her.  It was pure luck that we did. 
A. (Alice Doyard)  It was luck, and it was so discovering ‑‑ the first time we met her, we saw an amazing character.  And we thought this woman deserves more than an interview, and let's embark with her on a story.  And she said yes, and this led to the Oscar today.
A. (Anthony Giacchino)  Thank you so much. 
A. (Alice Doyard)  Thank you. 

Q. Congratulations to our winners.


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