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92nd Oscars Onstage Speech Transcript: INTERNATIONAL FEATURE FILM




[Ed. Note: Bong spoke in a combination of English and Korean. Comments in Korean were translated onstage by translator Sharon Choi.]

BONG JOON HO (director):
[In English:] Thank you, a great honor. [Via translator:] The category has a new name now, from Best Foreign Language to Best International Feature Film. I'm so happy to be its first recipient under the new name. I applaud and support the new direction that this change symbolizes. All our loving crew members and cast members are here with us today. Please send a round of applause to the actors and crew members of "Parasite." [In English:] And our great cinematographer Hong Kyung Pyo, and production designer Lee Ha Jun, and editor Yang Jinmo. [Via translator:] I congratulate all the great artists here tonight. I also thank everyone at Barunson, CJ, and Neon who allowed me to actualize my vision. [In English:] Thank you, and yeah, I'm ready to drink tonight. Until next morning. Thank you.


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