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92nd Oscars Onstage Speech Transcript: ACTOR IN A SUPPORTING ROLE

SPEECH BY: Brad Pitt

FILM: "Once upon a Hollywood"


Wow. Thank you. This is incredible, really incredible. Thank you to the Academy for this honor of honors. They told me I only have 45 seconds up here, which is 45 seconds more than the Senate gave John Bolton this week. I'm thinking maybe Quentin does a movie about it; in the end the adults do the right thing.

This [holding up the Oscar] really is about Quentin Jerome Tarantino. You are original. You are one of a kind. The film industry would be a much drier place without you. And I love the ethos you gave "Cliff Booth": Look for the best in people – expect the worst – but look for the best. Leo, I'll ride on your coattails any day, man; the view's fantastic. And to the rest of the cast and crew; big, bad Bob Richardson; Robert Garcia; Richie; my man Mike Moh. And you know, I also want to say, you know, while we're doin' all this, I think it's time we give a little love to our stunt coordinators and our stunt crews. Listen, I'm a bit gobsmacked. I'm not one to look back but this has made me do so. And I think of my folks taking me to the drive-in to see "Butch and Sundance," and loading up my car and moving out here, and Geena and Ridley giving me my first shot, to all the wonderful people I've met along way to stand here now. Once upon a time in Hollywood, ain't that the truth? This is for my kids who color everything I do; I adore you. Thank you.


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