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92nd Oscars Backstage Interview Transcript: SOUND MIXING

SPEECH BY: Mark Taylor and Stuart Wilson

FILM: "1917"

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Q. Congratulations, guys. I'm over here to your right. Again, congratulations. Can you talk about on the sound, on the mixing side, how the conceit of the film could be done in a single shot, how that affected some of the mix choices, because I mean, how you worked with the visual structure and conceit of the movie.
A. (Mark Taylor) Well, I guess, basically, not having any joins sonically as well as visually was an important thing because you don't get a scene change, you can't -- there is no cuts. You can't have a -- you know, all the sound just kind of has to exist with the picture.
A. (Stuart Wilson) I think on the production side, the continuous shot thing meant for me it was essential to maintain connected to the lead characters at all times all the way through so you were with them on their journeys. Yeah.

Q. Congratulations. There has been talk about the possibility of merging sound mixing and sound editing categories. I was wondering if you could share any thoughts on that.
A. (Mark Taylor) 100 percent behind that. The blurred line -- well, the difference between sound editing and sound mixing has become so blurred now. There's so much input from sound editors prior to us getting something mixed that I think it's a good thing. 100 percent.

Q. When you heard Sam's idea about trying to recreate the idea of a continuous shot, did you agree that it would add something to the movie? And the other thing -- that it would change the movie and make it better? And the other thing is that sound and everybody attached to the movie just seems so surprised as the audience caught on and the town and the Hollywood caught on. Were you surprised too at how much this movie affected you?
A. (Stuart Wilson) I think because Sam's reason for having it as a continuous shot was not to show off or a contrived thing, it was because he -- there has been a lot of war movies, and he felt this was the way to keep the audience to experience as much as possible of what these young men were going through. So I was onboard with that. And I think I've been surprised. This could have been an art house movie, and it would have been great because it's beautiful, and it's -- I think it's a piece of art. But the fact that so many people have gone out to a theater to see it, that has been a surprise. But it's amazing that the reports about how it's moved people and touched people, and they've actually thought about the experience of the war.

Q. Congratulations.


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