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90th Oscars Onstage Speech Transcript: SHORT FILM (ANIMATED)

SPEECH BY: Glen Keane and Kobe Bryant

FILM: "Dear Basketball"


GLEN KEANE: Thank you, thank you, Academy. Thank you Gennie Rim, Max Keane, our entire crew for your incredible talents. My wife Linda for your years of love and support. And to Kobe, for writing "Dear Basketball". It's a message for all of us. Whatever form your dream may take, it's through passion and perseverance that the impossible is possible.

KOBE BRYANT: I don't know if it's possible. I mean, as basketball players we're really supposed to shut-up and dribble but I'm glad we do a little bit more than that. Thank you, Academy, for this amazing honor. Thank you, John Williams, for such a wonderful piece of music. Thank you, Verizon, for believing in the film. Thank you, Molly Carter, without you we wouldn't be here. And to my wife Vanessa, our daughters Natalia, Gianna, and Bianka. Ti amo con tutto il mio cuore. You are my inspiration. Thank you so much, guys, thank you.



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