SPEECH BY: Roger A. Deakins
FILM: "Blade Runner 2049"
Thank you, thank you, I guess I better say something or else they'll give me a jet ski. I don't see myself on a jet ski, somehow. I want share this with my wife of 27 years, James…whatever. I want to share it with Andrew, Broderick and Denis Villeneuve. You know, I really love my job. I've been doing it a long time as you can see. But you know, one of the reasons I really love it is the people I work with, both in front of the camera and behind the camera. Some of my crew on "Blade Runner," I've been working with for over thirty years, and others I met for the first time in Budapest. And this is for every one of them, every one of them. In fact, I gotta say it's for us, because it was a team. It was really a team effort. Thank you, thank you, very much.
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