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89th Oscars Onstage Speech Transcript: Documentary (Short Subject)

CATEGORY: Documentary (Short Subject)
SPEECH BY: Orlando von Einsiedel and Joanna Natasegara
FILM: The White Helmets


[unintelligible] Okay, well, thanks to the Academy for this huge honor. To all of our teams. Of course to Netflix, our work family, for supporting us with this film but most of all, thank you to the White Helmets.

Sadly, Raed Saleh, the head of the White Helmets, is not able to join us tonight. We have a very short statement from him that we’d like to share with you: We’re so grateful that this film has highlighted our work to the world. Our organization is guided by a verse from the Koran: “to save one life is to save all of humanity.” We have saved more than 82,000 civilian lives. I invite anyone here who hears me to work on the side of life, to stop the bloodshed in Syria and around the world.

It’s very easy for these guys to feel they’re forgotten. This war’s been going on for six years. If everyone could just stand up and remind them that we all care, that this war end as quickly as possible. Thank you.



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