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89th Oscars Onstage Speech Transcript: Actor in a Leading Role

CATEGORY: Performance by an Actor in a leading role
SPEECH BY: Casey Affleck
FILM: Manchester by the Sea



That means so much to me, thank you. One of the first people who taught me how to act was Denzel Washington and I just met him tonight for the first time, thank you. And to all the other nominees for your great work, I’m proud to be in your company. You guys are very brave and I admire what you do. I’m only here, really, because of all the talents and good will of so many people, they’re impossible to name. But most of all, Kenneth Lonergan, who made this part and without this part and without his writing, I wouldn’t be here for sure. And he directed it. Man, I wish I had something bigger and more meaningful to say, but I just, I’m really proud to be part of this community in general. I look out at all of you as I have this whole year and I’m just dumbfounded that I’m included. It means a lot to me. Thank you also to Matt Damon for creating this opportunity. To Mara Buxbaum for so much and to Patrick and Boomer and so many people. Of course my mother and my father, for mostly, usually, believing in me, in doing this. Ben, I love you, you ain’t heavy. Thank you all very much, appreciate it.



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