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89th Oscars Backstage Interview Transcript: Short Film (Live Action)

CATEGORY: Short Film (Live Action)
SPEECH BY: Kristof Deák and Anna Udvardy



Q. So I want to ask, your film is in theaters now, and you've also won an Oscar.  How has this whole experience been for you? 
A. Fantastic experience, and I really have to commend ShortsHD for putting these films in cinemas.  And right now 600 ‑‑ I think almost 600 cinemas are screening them in 20‑plus countries, and they get to be seen the way they're meant to be seen.  So that's fantastic.  It's a great feeling.

Q. I hope you'll forgive me if I ask you to speak Hungarian.
A. Sure.

Q. [Speaks in Hungarian.]
A. [Speaks in Hungarian.]

Q. Last year Hungary won best foreign film, and this year we have you here.  So for the size of the country, I guess it's quite good.  Can you comment on that?  In Hungarian again, if you can. 
A. I think the last few years there's been a surge in good Hungarian films, and last year's winner ‑‑ last year's winner, SON OF SAUL is an amazing film, fully deserved to win.  So to stand here, you know, in their footsteps is really humbling and absolutely amazing.  I think, you know, you have to watch this space because there are more brilliant Hungarian films coming out in the next few years that I know of, and I hope I get to make one of those.  Maybe in two, three years.

Q. Okay.
A. And now in Hungarian. [Speaks in Hungarian.]




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