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89th Oscars Onstage Speech Transcript: Music (Original Song)

CATEGORY: Music (Original Song)
SPEECH BY: Justin Hurwitz, Benj Pasek, and Justin Paul
SONG: City Of Stars



Alright, I’m really quickly going try to make a lot of people feel really good: Erik Feig, James Meyers, Amy Dunning, Ryan Svendsen, Lenny Wohl, Tim Palen, Julie Fontaine, Christine Kirkland [?], Jen Peterson, Naomi Norry [?], Lisa Taback, Al Vertello [?], Amos Newman, Keith Zajic, Glen Brunman, the whole music team: Marius, Steve, Nic [sp?], Jason, Eldad and Tony Seyler.

Thank you to Justin for your beautiful and glorious music. Thank you to Damien, you inspired every single word that we wrote. For me, I want to thank my wife, my little girl at home, my family who’s here. Thank God for you guys. I was educated in public schools where arts and culture were valued and recognized and resourced. I’m so grateful to all my teachers who taught so much and gave so much to us.

Want to thank our producers, Marc, Fred and Jordan. My god, I’m actually freaking out right now. I want to thank Richard Kraft and Joe Machota. I want to thank my mom who is amazing and my date tonight and she let me quit the JCC soccer league to be in a school musical so this is dedicated to all the kids who sing in the rain and all the moms who let them. Thank you very much. I love you, Mom.



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