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Pasadena Tournament of Roses Collection

BEN-HUR-themed float entered in the 1960 Tournament of Roses parade, Pasadena, California, by the neighboring community of Altadena. Caption on verso.

The Pasadena Tournament of Roses' annual Rose Parade and Rose Bowl Game are long-time local traditions that are celebrated nationally via television broadcast on New Year's Day. Most of the titles in this collection appear to be professionally produced highlight reels, with the majority of the items existing as 16mm film prints. The Rose Parade films run from 1949 to 1980, with a few compilation reels that cover the events of 1915 and 1927⁠–1935. The game films cover Rose Bowls from 1930–1987, with only a few Bowl games missing. Since 2015, the Archive has housed over 300 items in the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Collection, including several reels of behind-the-scenes footage and interviews, as well as roughly two dozen related amateur films within our separate extensive home movie collection. 

Click here for a list of the Academy’s holdings related to the Pasadena Tournament.

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