Caroline and Frank Mouris are known for their unique style of collage animation and films that immerse audiences in color, sound, and history. The Academy Award-winning “Frank Film” (1973), a nine-minute journey into Frank’s life, was groundbreaking in its use of image and narration. The film has been preserved by the Academy and is now part of the National Film Registry, which honors work of cultural, historical, and aesthetic significance. The Mourises have created shorts for “Sesame Street,” Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, MTV, and the Cartoon Network, among others. In addition to “Frank Film,” the Archive also houses original elements for “Coney” (1975), “Tennessee Sample” (1977), “Impasse” (1978), “LA LA, Making it in L.A.” (1979), “Beginner’s Luck” (1986), and “Frankly Caroline” (2000).