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Onstage Speech Transcript: Short Film (Animated)

CATEGORY: Short Film (Animated)
SPEECH BY: Patrick Osborne and Kristina Reed
FILM: Feast


Patrick Osbourne:

Oh, man. The shorts are so freaking amazing this year. Thank you, the Academy, for recognizing short animated films. They’re my favorite thing to make and watch. Thanks, John Lasseter, Ed Catmull and Andrew Millstein for letting me make my film. To Jeff Turley, my production designer, who’s the best painter alive. And he’s the reason that the short looks so great. And the rest of the crew at Disney Animation, you guys are the best in the business. And to my mom and dad, I love you. And everybody back in Cincinnati watching right now and my beautiful wife Ali, thank you.

Kristina Reed:

To my husband Mac, to my kids, Cooper and Miranda, thank you for all the nights you let me miss so I could pursue this crazy career. Thank you. 




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