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Onstage Speech Transcript: Documentary (Feature)

CATEGORY: Documentary (Feature)
SPEECH BY: Laura Poitras, Mathilde Bonnefoy and Dirk Wilutzky
FILM: CitizenFour


Laura Poitras:

Thank you so much to the Academy. I’d like to first thank the documentary community. It’s an incredible joy to work among people who support each other so deeply and do such incredible work. We don’t stand here alone. The work we do to end (?) that needs to be seen by the public is possible through the brave organizations that support us. We’d like to thank RADiUS, Participant, HBO, BRITDOC and the many, many, many organizations who had our back making this film. The disclosures that Edward Snowden reveals don’t only expose the threat to our privacy but to our democracy itself. And the most important decisions being made affecting all of us are made in secret. We lose our ability to check the powers that control. Thank you to Edward Snowden for his courage and for the many other whistleblowers. And I share this with Glenn Greenwald and other journalists who are exposing truth. Thank you. 




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