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90th Oscars Backstage Interview Transcript: DOCUMENTARY (SHORT SUBJECT)

SPEECH BY: Frank Stiefel


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Q. I have a couple of questions for you.  So your film was released by Shots TV theatrically.  What does that mean for the genre?  And as a documentarian, what does that award mean for you?
A. What does the award mean for me as a documentarian?  You know, I'm not a documentarian.  This is my second film.  So as a life experience, to make your first film at the age of 63, and to be given an Academy Award at the age of 70 is ‑‑ it doesn't qualify me as being a documentarian.  It qualifies me as being an extraordinarily lucky and happy 70‑year‑old. 
So this is not something I spent my life sort of looking at.  This is rather new. 

Did I answer your question?  Yes?  Okay.



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