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89th Oscars Onstage Speech Transcript: Visual Effects

CATEGORY: Visual Effects
SPEECH BY: Robert Legato, Adam Valdez, Andrew R. Jones and Dan Lemmon
FILM: The Jungle Book



Oh my god, thank you. This never gets old, by the way. All great experiences start at the very top and I have to say that’s Alan Horn, who gave a fantastic job to Jon Favreau, a collaborative director, who is fantastic. Literally unprecedented support from all of the Disney brass, including Sean Bailey, Dave Taritero, Sam Dickerman, Pete Tobyansen and our producer, Brigham Taylor. And last but not least, these three gentleman geniuses behind me, who commandeered a thousand superb artists and contributed so greatly and made so many winning decisions that, you know, they actually got tired of winning. Like that’s a thing. I think I’m done. Thank you to all our artists. The next round of applause is for you, you deserve it as much as we do. Thank you so much.



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