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89th Oscars Onstage Speech Transcript: Documentary (Feature)

CATEGORY: Documentary (Feature)
SPEECH BY: Ezra Edelman and Caroline Waterlow
FILM: O.J.: Made in America



Thirty, huh? First of all this is incredible, I want to thank Caroline Waterlow for going on this journey with me. Yes, give it up. I want to thank the Academy for acknowledging this untraditional film. I want to thank ESPN for allowing us the canvas and the time to tell this story; this is the only way it could be told. But I want to acknowledge that I wouldn’t be standing here tonight if not for two people who aren’t here with us, Ron Goldman, Nicole Brown, this is for them and their families. It is also for others, the victims of police violence, police brutality, racially motivated violence and criminal injustice. This is their story as well as Ron and Nicole’s. I am honored to accept this award on all of their behalfs.



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