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89th Oscars Backstage Interview Transcript: Cinematography

CATEGORY: Cinematography
SPEECH BY: Linus Sandgren



Q. [Speaks in Swedish.]
A. Hey.  [Speaks in Swedish.]

Q. What went through your mind when you heard your name being called out?
A. Oh.  I don't remember.  It was all blank.

Q. How do you feel right now? 
A. I feel extremely, you know, humble and honored, and it's just really amazing and a relief and it's been, you know, a hard couple of weeks of worrying about having a speech and stuff like that, but I'm ‑‑ no.  It's ‑‑ I feel very honored.  It's amazing.

Q. Hi. 
A. Hi.

Q. In your words how would you describe the feeling or vibe of Los Angeles?
A. I think it's a ‑‑ it's a really beautiful interesting mix of, you know, the urban gritty city and the beauty of the nature, you know.  It's really an incredible mix.  Sometimes I've been driving home, you know, like over like on Sunset Boulevard ‑‑ I mean on Santa Monica Boulevard in like Hollywood, you know, and there's kind of lots of telephone poles, but then you have that beautiful sky and the sunset and it's just remarkable, you know.  And then you have the nature and the animals and like the whales out there, and they're always there.  And at the same time, you have all ‑‑ you know, all the other stuff here.

Q. [Speaks in Swedish.]  What scene are you most proud of shooting and why? 
A. I think I'm actually most proud of the scene that we did with Emma in the audition because it's so simple and it looks very simple I think.  And it's just no colors.  It's very, you know, dim, but it was actually quite complicated to do.  And I think it's more interesting sometimes to do scenes simpler than, you know, spectacular to tell the story, and I think in this film that is so bold all the time.  I think in that scene it's so intimate, you know, and that was really, you know, a really great scene to do.




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