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88th Oscars Onstage Speech Transcript: Actress in a Supporting Role

CATEGORY: Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role
SPEECH BY: Alicia Vikander
FILM: The Danish Girl




Wow. Thank you so much, the Academy, for this incredible recognition. I share this with our fabulous crew and cast, and I want to thank, I want to thank Gail and Anne and Nina and Working Title and Focus and Tom. Where are you? My director. Thank you so much for your support and belief in me. And Eddie, there you are. Thank you for being the best acting partner. I couldn’t have done it without you. You raised my game. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for my dream team which is Theresa, Angharad, Charles, Laura. I want to thank my friends [unintelligible] and my mom and dad. Thank you for giving me the belief that anything can happen, even though I would never have believed this. Thank you.


Thank you scroll:

Alicia Vikander would like to thank:

Everyone in the incredibly passionate and hardworking crew. From the runners to the H.O.D.s - it wouldn’t have been possible without you! Thank you Carmel Jackson, the entire make-up, hair and costume department.  Thank you Nina Gold for believing in me. Thank you Tom, Eddie, Matthias, Amber, Rebecca, Gail and Anne, Danny, Lucinda, David, Leslie Fabian, Penny, Working Title, and Focus. My incredible team: Laura, Angharad, Charles, Theresa, Emma, Laura and my friends and family. Love you all!!



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