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88th Oscars Backstage Interview Transcript: Production Design

CATEGORY: Production Design
SPEECH BY: Colin Gibson (Production Design); Lisa Thompson (Set Decoration)



Q. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!  Oi!  Oi!  Oi!  Nice work.  That was a tough crowd to beat.  How does it feel? 

A. (Colin Gibson)  I think they were robbed, but only because my gang was better than their gang. 

A. (Lisa Thompson)  It's just amazing to be nominated with such incredible talent.  I feel very, very lucky to be here.  


Q. Congratulations on what's obviously a great night for FURY ROAD.  I want to ask you what I asked Jenny.  Talk about working with the other department heads and creating full in this world, and in your case designing this world, now that we're physically into the future from when the first MAD MAX films came out, are we ‑‑ is there a sense of being further into the future of that world, or how did you begin thinking about the design elements? 

A. (Colin Gibson)  Well, like most stories of mythology, we move forward.  They change with the times and with the cultures.  And this was just the same story but more disasters, more apocalypses further forward into the future.  And working with the other departments, George had such a strong vision and we had such a strong backbone that we built of anthropology and of truth of what deserved to survive in this world, that it became pretty easy for Lisa and I. 


Q. That part of Africa where you filmed, did you learn a lot about it?  Was it interesting?  Should we visit?  Were they helpful there for you? 

A. They were more than helpful.  They're ‑‑ Namibia is a fantastic, fantastic country and a fantastic location.  The crew were terrific.  The people are great.  And I'd like to say you should all go there, but could you hold off because I'm going back for a holiday, and I don't want it crowded. 


Q. So MAD MAX, you know, was an action‑movie franchise with a feminine feminist spin to it.  So are there any other action movies out there that you think should have a chance of getting a feminist spin to them? 

A. (Lisa Thompson)  The next one. 

A. (Colin Gibson)  Hopefully our next one, but if Michael Bay is listening, I'm yet to see a decent, you know, one of those TRANSFORMERS with tits, so, you know. 



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